Page 7 of Race or Ruin

One of Race’s brows went up as he smirked. “That’s right, chuckles, keep laughing it up.” Turning back to Bellamy, he tipped his head toward his house. “The two in the window laughing like loons are Liza and Shannon. Liza is the blonde and the older one.”

“They’re very pretty.” Bellamy raised her hand and waved to the girls. His girls waved back, huge smiles on their faces.

A strand of her hair blew across her face, distracting the shit out of Race. He wanted to reach out and wrap it around his finger, pull her in close and kiss her full, plump lips. Those lips had been haunting him ever since he’d met the woman. They were damn near an obsession some days. It didn’t help that Calliope brought her to club parties either. It made her a constant temptation he was finding it harder and harder to stay away from.

“Anyway,” he cleared his throat, “now that you have that out of your system, Derrick and I,” he motioned to his son standing next to him, “were coming over to shovel this for you so you can get to work.”

“I couldn’t impose on you to do that.”

“You’re not imposing. I’m offering for Derrick and I to do it.” He reached over and took her shovel from her before she could think to argue further. “Go.” He waved toward the house. “Get dressed for work. By the time you get ready, we’ll have this done.”

“Are you sure?” she hesitated.

“Yes. The sooner you get going, the sooner we can get this knocked out.” Thank God, she finally gave in. He really wanted to get it done. He’d wait until she left for work before they moved on to her porch and sidewalk. He didn’t want to risk a long, drawn out argument that was going to end with him and Derrick doing it anyway.

With his son’s help, they were able to get it finished as her garage door was going up. She stood next to her car, waving at them. “Thank you!”

Race gave a chin lift and a quick wave then followed Derrick back to the house. He propped Bellamy’s shovel next to his on the front porch until he came back out to get the sidewalk and porch. Right now he wanted a hot cup of coffee.

“Oh my God, Dad! That was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!” Liza started in as soon as he entered the house.

“Yeah. Yeah. I bet it was.” He closed the door and removed his coat. He patted his butt and determined his jeans weren’t as wet as he thought.

“Did you see the way she slung the snow in his face then turned around and knocked him into the snow with the shovel?” she was asking Shannon.

“Yes. It was hilarious!” his little one agreed. Traitor.

“Oh, I wish I could have gotten that recorded. I could’ve used it as blackmail down the road,” Liza added the last part almost to herself, but he’d heard her. He frowned, thinking he was going to have to keep any eye on her. He didn’t realize she had such a devious streak in her.

He went to reheat his coffee in the microwave and pilfered another doughnut while he was at it. Returning to the living room, he found his girls standing at the window facing Bellamy’s house. Derrick was in his chair. Turd. “What are you two doing?”

“Using these binoculars we found next to your chair and looking in Bellamy’s windows,” Shannon explained.

“What?” he croaked, almost choking on his hot coffee.

“Yeah. Did you know you can see right inside her house? Like, I can see what kind of cereal she likes to eat,” Liza informed him. “Raisin Bran, in case you were wondering.” She turned to exchange a look with her brother that definitely made Race uncomfortable. Did they suspect he was a Peeping Tom?

“And did you also know that you can see into her living room? I bet you could watch her television from right here in your chair if you really wanted to. I mean, if you were into that whole spying on your sexy neighbor thing.” Derrick smiled wide. Yeah. He knew. Little fucker.

“Out of my seat.” He waved his son to vacate his recliner. He set his mug on the side table and got comfortable.

“Well?” his son pushed.

“I imagine I could watch her television if I was of a mind to, but I don’t.” No. He enjoyed watching Bellamy walk around her house in a towel or in a matching bra and panty set. She had a purple lace set that made him sweat whenever he saw her in it.

“I didn’t ask if you did,” Derrick pointed out as he took a seat on the couch, wisely sitting at the far end. “I asked if you could.”

“Oh my gosh, Dad. Are you spying on the pretty lady next door?” Liza teased, her eyes round in mock surprise.

Giving her the don’t push it look, he thought she’d drop it. She did for all of five seconds. “Do you have a crush on the lady next door?”

“Liza,” he warned.

“You should see her up close, Liza. She’s hot. She’s got this pretty light brown hair, with streaks of blonde all through it and her eyes are this cool brownish-yellow color. And by the way, Dad was checking out her ass, she’s got a really nice one.”

Race turned to Derrick, frowning. “How do you know I was checking out her ass? I was wearing sunglasses.”

Derrick laughed like he was silly. “You might have been wearing sunglasses, but you were totally focused on her ass as she was bending to scoop up more snow.”