Page 64 of Race or Ruin

“Okay. That’s good. I still have time to get to work.”

“Not until we have our talk.” He tugged her hand and resumed their trek to the kitchen. “You’re not getting out of it that easy. I already got a hold of Cathy and she knows you might be running a little late this morning.”

“How did you—”

He cut her off. “I got her number from Jane.”

“Just how long have you been awake?” she side-eyed him.

He shrugged. “Thirty minutes.”

She hadn’t been paying attention to the background noise until it was suddenly gone. Her gaze was instantly drawn toward the table where Race’s three completely silent kids were smiling at her, staring between her and Race and their clasped hands. Oh God. Shoot me know. When she tried to pull her hand free, Race held on even tighter, drawing her attention back to him.

“Have a seat. I’ll get coffee.” He kissed the top of her head and steered her toward an empty chair.

“Good morning, Bellamy.” Liza greeted her, all smiles.

“Good morning, Liza.” She also greeted the other two children. “Good morning, Derrick. Shannon. I hope I didn’t cause you guys to lose too much sleep last night.”

“No worries. We got plenty of sleep,” Derrick assured her, his smile so much like his father’s.

Race returned, placing a hot cup of coffee on the table in front of her along with a bowl of sugar and a spoon.

“All right. You guys make sure you have all your things in your backpacks while I start breakfast.” Race tugged on her hair, forcing her head back so he could drop a quick kiss on Bellamy’s lips. She was completely caught off guard and completely at a loss as to why he would do that in front of his kids.

“What are we having for breakfast?” Shannon asked.

“Pancakes and sausage,” Race announced, pulling a box of pancake mix from the cabinet. Shannon went to the refrigerator and got the sausage links for him, setting them on the counter. “Thanks, baby girl.” He kissed the top of her head. “You got everything together?”

“Yes. Got it together last night.”

Derrick came back into the kitchen carrying a backpack and a gym bag. “Did you have a chance to do any laundry? I need clean gym clothes.”

“Yeah. If they’re not in your room, check the dryer.”

“Liza?” The way Race interacted with his children with such ease was amazing to watch. It also got her motor running. Watching a hot, sexy man with his kids did something to a woman. Things that involved hot, steamy sex and babies. Good grief. She was totally losing it.

“I already set my bag by the door.” She pulled three glasses from a cabinet. “I know you’re drinking coffee, but do you want orange juice or milk, too?” she asked Bellamy.

“Coffee’s fine. Thank you anyway.”

The next thirty minutes went quickly. Race had breakfast done and on the table in no time. The kids wolfed it down, then put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Race followed them to the door, giving out hugs, kisses and “I love yous.”

“Dad, I need lunch money.” Shannon turned at the door.

“Hang on.” He went to the bedroom, returning with his wallet in his hand. “How much do you need, baby girl?”

“Um. I’m not sure. The lunch lady said I ran out yesterday.”

He reached in his wallet and came out with a couple of bills. Shannon took the money, shoving it in her pocket. She popped up on her toes and gave her dad a big hug and another kiss. “Love you, Daddy.”

“Love you, too, sweetheart.”

He stood in the doorway watching his kids leave for school. He waved goodbye as Derrick pulled away, then closed and locked the door.

“Now. We’re going to have that talk you’ve been avoiding,” Race declared as he sauntered back into the kitchen.

“Um, are you sure we really need to have this talk?” Bellamy slowly stood from her seat, hoping for a quick getaway.