Page 5 of Race or Ruin

Race was sitting on the end of the bed pulling his boots on when he heard a knock at the front door. He frowned as he snatched the black Henley off the bed and slipped it over his head. He made his way down the hall, toward the living room, wondering who it could be.

Checking the peephole, he saw his kids and hurried to unlock the door. He pulled it open, a huge smile on his face. “Come here and give your old man a hug.” He stepped out onto the porch and pulled his youngest girl, Shannon, in for a big hug and kiss. He couldn’t believe his baby girl was nine years old already. She squealed as he squeezed her tight and left kisses all over her cheek.

“Can’t breathe, Dad.” She pretended to wheeze at the same time returning his hug.

He released her and allowed her to enter the house, then tugged his middle child, Liza, in for a hug and kiss. “How’s my girl doing?”

Liza, short for Elizabeth, was fourteen and a freshman in high school. Smiling, she returned his hug and kissed his cheek in greeting. “Good. No homework this weekend.” He let her go so she could follow her sister inside.

Not the least bit embarrassed, Derrick stepped into his dad and gave him a hug and slap on the back. “We brought doughnuts. Hope you have milk.” His son was sixteen and newly licensed to drive.

“You’re in luck. Just stocked up.” He patted Derrick on the back and followed him through the door, closing it behind him. They didn’t stop until they were all in the kitchen. The girls were already pouring glasses of milk for themselves and Derrick. Shannon had paper plates already on the table as she waited patiently for her brother to bring in breakfast.

Race went to the counter and started his coffee. While he waited, he leaned against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest and his legs at the ankles, watching his kids sort themselves out as they took their seats. Derrick looked so much like Race had at his age, it was sometimes hard to tell their pictures apart. They both had black hair and denim blue eyes. His son was already six feet tall and no signs of slowing down. Although he ate like a horse, he was still on the slim side. Race wasn’t worried because he’d been the same way at his age. He didn’t start putting on weight and muscle until his senior year.

Derrick played football and baseball just like Race did in high school. Race had been good, but Derrick was better, especially at baseball. If he continued to play as well as he’d been doing all through high school, he saw no reason the boy wouldn’t get a scholarship. His son hadn’t talked much about what he planned to do after high school, claiming he wasn’t sure college was what he wanted to do. Race had mentioned maybe attending a trade school of some kind could be an option. Although he would love to see his son prospect for the Sons of Redemption, it was ultimately Derrick’s decision. No matter what he decided to do with his life, Race would always have his back.

Shannon also had the black hair, blue eyes and slim build. Right now, she was daddy’s little girl and he loved it. He wished it could always be that way, but knew from his experience with her older sister that things would start to change once she hit her teens. He wasn’t in a hurry to see yet another daughter mature into a beautiful young woman with boys chasing after her.

Liza had taken after her mother. She had her long blonde, sun-streaked hair, but where his ex’s was paid for, Liza’s was all natural from being outside so much. She also had her mother’s light brown eyes and was athletically built with an average size booty and chest. She played volleyball and was a straight-A student. Since she’d started high school this year, he’d tasked Derrick with keeping an eye on her. He wanted to know if any of those young bucks set their sights on his Liza.

So, yeah, he was proud of his children and loved them like crazy.

His coffee finally finished brewing, he poured a cup and joined his kids at the table. He piled two glazed doughnuts on his plate and dug in while listening to them talk about everything under the sun. No matter what he was doing, he always made time for his kids. He might not be living with them every day, but nothing would stop him from being there if they needed him.

The official decision made by the court was every other weekend and every Wednesday. Seemed like the standard visitation rules for most guys finding themselves in a divorce with children involved. It didn’t matter, though. He and Eve got along better now than when they were married. The kids, especially as they’d gotten older, could come for a visit anytime they wanted.

“So how did you all end up on my doorstep so early on a Saturday morning? Not that I’m complaining.” It wasn’t his weekend but today looked like it was going to be one of those spur of the moment visits. He didn’t care. He loved seeing his kids anytime he could. As they got older and were able to drive themselves, he hoped to see them more often. Eventually, they’d lead their own lives and he’d see them less and less.

“Mom and Alex are having breakfast at the country club with his parents.” Derrick volunteered the information.

Race was aware that although his kids liked their stepdad, Alex, they did not like his parents. They were, as his kids put it, hoity toity. They were richy rich and never failed to let people know it. His kids being his kids let it all roll off their backs. If their mother’s in-laws wanted to puff out their chests and strut around like peacocks, they didn’t care. What they did care about was when they started talking shit about Race and the Sons of Redemption. They were proud of their old man and wouldn’t allow anyone to talk trash about him.

“It’s Ruth’s birthday,” Shannon added.

“Ah.” Race tipped his chin up in understanding.

“So what’s new with you, Pops?” Liza asked as she bit into a chocolate-covered custard-filled doughnut. Her favorite.

“Not much.” Race took a drink of his coffee. “How about you? Any more boys trying to get your attention?” While he waited to hear what she had to say, his focus turned to Derrick knowing his son would tell him the truth. Liza frowned at her brother, aware he was about to rat her out.

“Yeah, there’s a junior from the football team that’s been talking her up. He thinks since his dad owns a bank, he’s the shit and can have any girl he wants.” Derrick got up and refilled his glass of milk, pilfering a jelly-filled doughnut from the box while he was at it.

Shannon snickered at Liza for giving Derrick squinty eyes.

“Is that right?” Race’s attention returned to his too-damn-pretty-for-her-own-good daughter.

“He just talks to me in Chemistry,” Liza explained. “I’m sure he thinks if he’s nice to me I’ll help him with is homework.”

“Do you?” Race asked.

“No. He can con someone else or do it himself. I have enough to keep up with without making sure he’s passing Chemistry.”

Race liked the sound of that. He was proud that his daughter could see through this guy’s bullshit. “Why is a junior taking a freshman Chemistry class?”

“I heard he kept putting it off and now he has to take it or risk not graduating next year,” Liza offered.

Derrick snorted, totally agreeing with her. “Yeah. I heard that the coaches and teachers make allowances for him so he can play ball. That, and his dad gives lots of money to the Booster Club to make improvements to the football field and stuff.”