Page 50 of Race or Ruin

“Man, I just can’t believe Charlotte was stupid enough to punch Bellamy in the face,” Chris wondered aloud.

Race snorted. “She might have gotten a good shot in on Bellamy but Bellamy got even.” With all eyes turned toward him, he filled them in on how she’d followed Charlotte into the gas station to use the bathroom and Charlotte came out with a bloody nose and what looked like were going to be two black eyes. “I also believe she was the woman who damn near pulled Clay Walker’s balls off.”

“No shit?!” Jed laughed, his brows hitting his hairline.

Race smiled wide and nodded his head while everyone exploded in mixed versions of shock.

“Well, well, well. There seems to be a helluva lot more to Bellamy than meets the eye,” Dagger spoke for all of them.

“Yeah. I intend to be around to figure it all out,” Race declared. He’d given his brothers a lot to think about, namely that he was claiming Bellamy. He needed to get back to the clubhouse so he could make it clear to her as well.

Jed, Tulsa and Dagger left to get the supplies while the others sat around talking as they waited for them to return. Race opted to head back outside to move more logs to the fence line. His mind kept drifting back to Bellamy and he decided if he was going to daydream, he wasn’t going to do it under the watchful eyes of his brothers.

Seeing her last night in his clothes had been a huge turn on. Peeling her out of his clothes had been even better. Fuck, the way she’d cupped his cheek right before he came had done something to him. He hadn’t been touched by a woman like that in years. In that moment, he’d thought she was feeling what he was feeling, but this morning it almost felt like she’d been trying to avoid him.

He’d tried to do the right thing by letting her sleep, but when she started grinding her ass into his hard cock, he couldn’t take it anymore. He’d begun by kissing her neck and letting his hands have their way with her tits and clit. She’d finally come awake and joined the party.

That’s when he’d gone down on her and used his fingers. Just as she was about to come, he’d pulled out, slid on a condom and entered her in one swift push. He thought she’d felt amazing that first time on his kitchen table, but this, fucking her in his bed, was beyond words. He’d watched her come apart, her head thrown back, hair spread out over his pillow, back arching. Fuck, it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. After she reached her orgasm, he turned his focus on where his dick tunneled in and out of her pussy, the way her wetness coated his dick. And just like that he was coming so hard, he may have blacked out for a moment.

He understood her being leery about what came next after they’d had sex considering how he treated her last time. He planned on clearing the air with her but had been disappointed to find she’d already left his room after he finished his call with Dagger, and texting the brothers. When she wasn’t there and her clothes were no longer on his floor, he thought he’d take a few minutes to take a quick shower before chasing her down. He really wanted to finish their conversation, to tell her he had no intention of ever kicking her out the door ever again.

His search had been short and sweet. He’d found her in the kitchen surrounded by all the old ladies, making it impossible for them to talk.

Now, here he was several hours later and returning to the clubhouse. He was bone tired, but he hoped to find a few moments alone with Bellamy. The sooner he explained himself, the better.

He found her once again in the kitchen, this time helping the old ladies prepare dinner. Since she was busy, he went to his room to shower and change into different clothes. He really wanted her to join him in the shower, but decided to let her be for now. They could talk later. And hopefully, fuck. That last idea had one side of his mouth kicking up.

As the evening progressed, finding time to talk with Bellamy alone was proving more difficult than he thought. After dinner, she helped with clean up and then she and Calliope were roped into playing games with the kids. Jed and Tuck somehow got dragged into it, too.

With power returning to the east side of town, there were only about half the families left tonight. Ironically, it would seem those families had the most children. Not that he had a problem with so many children being around. He enjoyed times like these when everyone, the brothers and their families, were able to spend time together. He liked how it always felt like one big family.

Speaking of family he’d checked in with his kids and Eve off and on throughout the day to make sure they didn’t need anything. They’d faired well because of Alex’s money and preparations. Race wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he liked Alex and he especially liked how much he loved Eve and how well he treated his kids.

For now, he and his brothers sat around shooting the shit, relaxing from the day’s exertions and had a few beers. Despite their best efforts they were unable to do anything more than spread tarps over the holes and nail two-by-fours around the edges to hold them down. Tomorrow they’d see about a better temporary fix until the weather cleared up enough for them to get in there and fix it correctly. Dagger was already asking Tulsa if he would do all the repairs. He’d even asked him to meet Ginny so they could come up with a design for the new kitchen and laundry room.

“You’re actually going to let Ginny have some input about her new kitchen?” Race pretended to be skeptical.

It took him a minute, but Dagger replied, “Yes.” That’s all he said.

“Well don’t sound so damn sad about it,” Maverick teased.

Dagger’s eyes squinted Maverick’s direction.

“When are you going to let Ginny know she gets a say in her kitchen?” Jackson asked.

Dagger tipped his bottle back and finished his beer. “That’s where I’m headed now.” He rose to his feet like he was going to the be running the gauntlet. Then he winked and smiled. “I may be walking funny tomorrow, boys. My Ginny has a way of showing her gratitude very enthusiastically.” He was smiling all the way out the door, the sound of everyone’s laughter trailing behind him.

Race thought Dagger was a damn lucky man that Ginny had given him a second chance. The woman was truly special and she hadn’t deserved the way he’d treated her early in their marriage. Even though he’d disagreed with Dagger cheating on Ginny, he’d kept that to himself. It wasn’t his or any brother’s place to tell a man how to live his life. That being said, he thought Ginny was a saint for putting up with the son of a bitch for so long.

He looked around the room and noticed the kids were gone and so were Calliope and Bellamy. Were they helping to get the kids to bed? Feeling a need to find her, he told his men goodnight and went to his room.

He opened his door, letting the hall light spill onto the bed. Well, he’d finally caught up with Bellamy. She was asleep in his bed. Given how tired he was, he undressed, climbed into bed next to her and pulled her into his side. It looked like his talk with Bellamy was going to have to wait until tomorrow.

* * *

Bellamy awokethe next morning to find Race already out of bed. Rolling toward the bathroom, she saw the door open and the light off. She wasn’t sure how she felt about him being gone this morning. Yesterday morning he’d woken her up with mind blowing sex. His absence had her brain churning in so many different directions, it was a wonder she didn’t hear squeaking in her head.

After having such amazing sex with Race yesterday, she’d been prepared for him to kick her out of his bed. She went so far as to ask him if that was what he was going to do. He’d apologized to her for the way he’d treated her last time. He even started to explain why he’d acted the way he did, beginning with he didn’t think she was old lady material. Despite her best efforts at bracing for Race’s rejection, hearing that he thought she wasn’t old lady material had cut deep. She didn’t know what she expected him to say, but hearing him voice what she’d already figured out had been brutal. All she could think about was finding a way to get away from him as quickly as possible without it looking like she’d been hurt and was running away. Thank God his phone rang and he disappeared into his bathroom to take the call.