Page 46 of Race or Ruin

“I’ve been trying to wake you up ever since you started grinding your ass into my cock. Please tell me you’re awake and okay with fucking.”

Bellamy logically knew she should pull away, get dressed and get out of his room as quickly as possible. Having sex with Race was a bad idea for so many reasons. One of which was he’d had another woman in his bed at his house just yesterday morning. Another was the way he treatedherthe night they’d had sex at his house. And yet another was the fear that she would be nothing more than free pussy to him. Would she be any better than Charlotte in his eyes? Yes, logically all these reasons made a good case for why she should not go there with Race.

But the illogical part of her, the part enjoying the feel of him pressed up against her, knew she couldn’t deny him. From her one experience with the man, she knew what an explosive lover he could be and she’d be a fool not to take advantage of his skills. Her feelings, also known as her heart, told her that she’d been halfway gone for him from the moment she’d moved in next door to him.

Could she believe him when he said he hadn’t had sex with Charlotte yesterday morning? That she’d let herself inside his house and bed, but nothing happened? From what she knew of him, Race might be many things—an asshole, a womanizer who didn’t turn down free pussy, a complete dick when he wanted to be—but he wasn’t a liar. He spoke the truth no matter how harsh it might be. So yes, she was going to do this. She was going to have sex with Race right here, right now, then when she walked away after the power came back on, she’d pick up the pieces of her broken heart and move on.

“Yes. I’m awake.” She pushed her ass against his hard cock again, giving it a little grind.

“Ahh, fuck, baby. You’re killing me.” His head dropped to her shoulder, lightly nipping the skin. “Gotta taste you.” He pulled his hands away from all the good stuff he’d been playing with and turned her to her back. “As much as I love seeing you in my clothes, we gotta get this off.” He helped her get his shirt over her head and his boxer briefs down her legs. He tossed both off to the side, hitting the floor.

Her breath stuttered in her chest at the sight of Race scooting down the bed and settling between her legs. His eyes locked with hers as he licked his lips and dipped his head forward to take a swipe of her pussy with his talented tongue. “Race,” she whispered.

His beautiful raven black hair was slightly graying at the sides and was a little mussed from sleeping. The look definitely worked for him. Her hand ached from wanting to reach out and grab onto it as he watched her from between her legs. His smile was the only warning he gave her that he would enjoy drawing out her pleasure. She was almost shaking as her heart raced in anticipation of what was to come.

“Mmm. Missed this taste.” His mouth was so close to her pussy, his voice was muffled and she could feel his breath against her skin. He set about licking and sucking at her clit until she was consumed with the need for release. Her hips raised, seeking a firmer touch. As he easily slipped two fingers inside her wet channel, she was helpless to do anything other than fuck them.

“Oh, Race.” Her voice was soft and raspy, desperate. Tangling her hand in his hair, she held him to her as she fucked herself on his fingers.

“That’s it. Take what you need.” He groaned against her.

This was crazy. What was she thinking? For once she told her logical self to shut up and just enjoy. Whatever came next, she could deal with later.

“Race, I’m going to come,” she panted. She was so close, so close. “Wha-?” Race disappeared.

He pulled away, came to his knees, rolled on a condom and scooted closer between her spread legs. With one hand, he held one leg open wide, while his other hand lined up his cock with her entrance. He leaned forward, sliding in with one quick, forceful thrust. Bellamy hissed and her head dropped back against the pillow. The feeling of Race’s hard length stretching her was indescribable. It just felt like…home.

“Wanted to watch you come on my mouth, but I’ve been thinking about this for so long, I can’t wait. Gotta have my cock in you now. Need to feel your pussy milk me dry.” With his arms braced on either side of her shoulders, he set up a steady, relentless pace. The release she’d thought disappeared when he pull his mouth away was quickly building once again.

Seeing Race’s rugged face as his gaze fastened onto where his cock powered in and out of her, slick with their combined juices, was something that would stay imprinted in her mind forever. God, he was beautiful. Without realizing what she was doing, she reached out and gently cupped the side of his face, drawing his attention. She would love nothing more than to wake up every morning to the sight of Race between her legs, giving her everything she needed.

“Baby, you need to come. I want to watch you come all over my dick. I want to see the pleasure I give you written all over you face. Now come for me, Bellamy.” Race’s denim blue eyes pierced her all the way to her soul. Anything he wanted and she was able to give him, she would. Including now.

“Race, oh God. Feels so good.” Her body jerked as he touched her sensitive clit. His thumb pressed down and swirled until her body tightened and she screamed his name.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful when you come.”

Was she imagining the tenderness in his gaze? Could Race actually feel something for her, too, other than extreme ecstasy brought on by his orgasm?

His gaze dropped down to where their bodies were joined again, his pace picking up. “Look at how well your pussy takes me.” She looked down to where he was thrusting and understood exactly how he felt about their union. She felt a connection she couldn’t explain. Almost like an invisible thread connected the two of them together.

Race suddenly threw his head back, his neck muscles straining as he finally came. “Rrraahh! Goddamn, woman.” His movements slowed and he dropped down so that he was holding his weight on his forearms trying not to crush her. He settled so he was wrapped around her, caging her in, as they both worked to catch their breaths.

After a moment, Race rolled to the side, his softening cock sliding free from Bellamy. She immediately felt the loss of his touch as he rolled to the side of the bed and got up. “Be back. Gotta get rid of this.” He went to the bathroom to dispose of his condom and returned, slipping beneath the covers and pulling Bellamy into his side.

“I could start every morning just like that.” Race absently ran his fingers up and down her arm.

Did he mean with her specifically or any woman would do as long as he had an explosive orgasm? From the way he spoke about Charlotte, she was thinking maybe it was more the second. Then she wondered what would happen next. Would it be a repeat of last time where he kicked her to the curb so fast, she’d been surprised he’d allowed her to get dressed first?

“Hey,” Race squeezed her shoulder to get her attention. “Why so quiet?”

Did she say what was on her mind or let it go? Taking a fortifying breath, she asked, “What is this thing going on between us?”

Race’s fingers stilled on her arm. “What do you mean?”

Bellamy needed to be sitting up so she could face Race to gauge his response. She couldn’t say the things she wanted to say if she was snuggled into his side. She sat up, pulling the covers to hold against her chest while she spoke. “I mean, now that we’ve had sex again, are you going to kick me out the door and go back to pretending I don’t exist?”

Race actually flinched at her question. “Yeah. About that. I’m sorry. I was a complete asshole. It should never have happened.”