Page 12 of Race or Ruin

“It really doesn’t matter one way or the other. As far as that man is concerned, I’m nothing more than a nuisance. I’m just a nagging tenant trying to get him to fix shit breaking down in my rental.” She ventured toward the couch to take a seat next to her grandmother. “And as you can see,” she tossed a hand toward the door, “I’m not exactly his type.” She dropped down on the couch, turning sideways to better converse with her grandmother. “So, tell me how you ended up here.”

Luckily, Grandma Martha decided to let the subject of Race drop and settled more comfortably into the cushions. “I just got back from my Alaskan cruise and thought I’d swing by here to visit before heading back to Denver.”

“Alaska? Last time I talked to you you were in Las Vegas.” She was so happy to see her grandmother live and in person. It had been too long since she’d last seen her. They’d had phone calls and video calls off and on but it wasn’t the same.

“Yeah, I was in Vegas, but we went to San Diego and from there Seattle. After that, we took a cruise to Alaska.”

“Wow. You’re quite the jet setter. Does Isaac know about all this?” She imagined if her brother knew about all the different places she’d been going to, he’d have tried to put a stop to it, or at the very least send a bodyguard with her. Not that Grandma Martha needed a bodyguard, she just needed someone who could corral her on occasion.

“He knows. Took him a while to catch up with me long enough to send one of his boys to keep an eye on me.” The twinkle in her eye said she’d led Isaac’s man on a merry chase. Bellamy swore sometimes her grandmother was like a ten-year-old getting into mischief. She didn’t think there was anything her grandmother enjoyed more than messing with Isaac’s men.

“Oh boy. How hard were you on Hank this time?”

“It wasn’t Hank. It was Harry,” she giggled.

Hank was who Isaac usually sent with Grandma Martha when she was taking extended trips. It sounded like Hank had had enough and more than likely refused to go this time. She could only imagine the fits her grandmother had given Harry.

“I would really love to know what exactly you did to run Hank off and what you might have done to Harry, but I’ve got to wind things up and head back to work soon. How long are you in town for and will you be staying with me?” She reached out and clasped her grandmother’s smooth, wrinkly hand in hers.

“I thought I’d stay a couple of days if you didn’t mind.”

“Of course, I don’t mind. I would be mad at you if you didn’t stay. I’ve missed you so much.” She patted her hand. “It’s not the same without you around all the time.”

“Well, then you’ll be happy to know that when I get back to Denver, I’m putting my house on the market and moving to Redemption.”

“Really?” That was exciting news. “Need any help?”

“No. Isaac’s already on it.” That was good news. She wouldn’t get ripped off.

“Before you decide on buying a house here, would you be interested in living with me?” Bellamy would love to have her grandmother living with her. It would be amazing to come home to someone instead of a quiet house.

“I might take you up on that offer. I don’t know that I want a house again with all the upkeep that goes with it. I thought about an apartment or a condo. I’m not sure I’m ready for one of those senior living communities.”

“You know you can live here with me as long as you want. You don’t have to get an apartment or a condo.” She absolutely adored her Grandma Martha. She wasn’t technically her grandmother, she was Isaac’s dad’s mother but she’d taken to Bellamy from the day she was born. Isaac and Bellamy shared the same mom but different dads. All of Bellamy’s grandparents lived far away or were deceased. Having Martha being there for her growing up had been truly wonderful.

“How are things with what’s his name?”

“Eh. It was over before we left Las Vegas. He was just a temporary diversion. Besides, why settle with one man when there’s so many out there to chose from?” After Grandma Martha’s husband, Grandpa Paul, passed away, she’d had no desire to ever remarry. She’d said she’d married the love of her life and no one else would ever measure up so what was the point of looking for a replacement?

“Congratulations?” Bellamy assumed that was good news. She checked the time on the wall clock and needed to get back to work. “I hate to leave you so soon after you’ve gotten here, but I need to get back to work.” She scooted to the edge of the couch preparing to get up.

“Haven’t found a replacement for me yet?”

“It took one full-time and two part-time employees to replace you.” They both stood.

Her grandmother snorted. “I could go back to work with you and hang out if you want.”

“Really? You don’t want to rest up from your trip?”

“I don’t need any rest.”

“If you’re sure you want to come, I’d love to have you hang out. You can tell me what you think of the new store.”

Grandma Martha grabbed her coat and off they went. Bellamy was so excited to see her and even more excited that she wanted to come back to work with her. Maybe after she closed up, the two of them could go out to dinner? Maybe her grandmother could keep her so occupied with stories of her adventures that Bellamy wouldn’t have time to think about what an awesome kiss she’d gotten from Race and then how he walked out the door with another woman.

He was such an asshole.