Page 95 of Race or Ruin

“She’s fucking fierce,” Chris put his two cents in.

“Yeah, well, Jackson’s old lady ain’t no slouch either. Remember how she shot that prick at the safe house?” Trick chuckled.

“Can you even still get it up more than once a night?” Dagger continued to poke at Race. That’s what their VP liked to do. He was such a shit stirrer.

“Fuck yeah he can. My room’s right next to his. If Bellamy’s not pregnant in the next couple of months, it’s not from a lack of trying on Race’s part,” Tulsa blurted. “I hope I’m still going as strong when I get to be his age.”

“I’m only 42, not 82, fucker.” Race accepted their good-natured ribbing for what it was. Affection.

“If all you nosey bastards must know, yes, Race can still get it up more than once a night,” Bellamy teased as she slid under Race’s arm and tucked herself into his side. He tipped his face down and kissed her upturned lips. Her comment had the group laughing hysterically.

“I think I’m rubbing off on you.”

“How so?” She squeezed him tight around the middle.

“I never know what’s going to come out of your mouth.”

“You would rather I called you Quick Draw?” She squeaked as she slapped her jean-clad ass. His smile widened. “Okay. Okay. I was just teasing.”

Race rubbed slow circles on her butt cheek where he’d smacked her, easing the sting. He finished his beer, half-turned and launched his empty bottle in the direction of the barrel in the corner. A clash of glass hitting glass could be heard in the shadows.

Bellamy’s gloved hand cupped the side of his cheek. The warm fire made her cheeks rosy and her eyes sparkle. “I love you, Race.”

“Love you, too, baby.”

He reached for a couple of marshmallows, sliding them onto a metal stick he used to hold them over the fire. “Can you get the rest of the s’mores ready while I toast the marshmallows?” he asked Bellamy.

“You got it.” She grabbed a graham cracker, broke it in half and put a half of a Hershey’s bar on top. When Race finished toasting the marshmallows, he slid one onto the cracker and chocolate concoction, then smashed it down with the other graham cracker. Bellamy took the other marshmallow and ate it off the toasting stick.

“Yum, that was good.” She grabbed another couple of marshmallows and toasted them herself. She let Calliope take one off, then ate the other.

Jackson toasted another couple of marshmallows for Calliope then announced they were heading home. Trick accepted the toasting stick and went to work getting a couple ready for Lindsey.

“So, Bellamy, Race can really get it up more than once a night?” Calliope squeaked when Jackson got her in a head lock. She started laughing as he rubbed the top of her head with is knuckles.

“Woman, you did not. Tell everyone goodnight. It’s time to take you home and remind you.” He kept his arm around her neck and pulled her away from the crowd.

Bellamy laughed at the two of them and the game they played. Calliope was constantly teasing Jackson about wanting to know dick sizes of his friends because she knew it would end with her getting Jackson’s dick. He was aware of what she was doing and didn’t feel the least bit threatened. He said Calliope told the ladies that he used it as an excuse to screw her into whatever surface was available. Race shook his head at their silliness.

She yelled over her shoulder, “Night, everyone!”

“See you tomorrow!” Lindsey shouted back.

The women of the club were having a baby shower for Calliope tomorrow at Lindsey’s house because it was the only house big enough to accommodate such a large group. Bellamy had gotten caught up in the excitement as she helped with the preparations, bringing home little clothes, shoes and hair bands. She’d been so excited when she’d been showing him the things she’d bought that he hoped being around all things baby tomorrow would get her to agree to an earlier wedding date for them. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t getting excited at the prospect of having a baby around the house again.

Taking Bellamy and getting her to bed sounded like a great idea. The more practice they got in, the sooner they’d have a baby. “Let’s go, woman. We’ve got some more practicing to do.”

Bellamy’s squeal of embarrassment was too cute. “Like they don’t know I’m trying to knock you up.” He tugged at her hand and waved a hand over his head as he walked away to the sound of masculine laughter.


“Yeah. Seriously. The sooner I get you pregnant, the sooner I can get you to marry me.”

Race helped Bellamy up into his truck, smacking her ass as he did. She pretended to be put out that he’d done it, but he knew it was only an act. His woman liked it when he spanked her ass. It got her all kinds of fired up. Smiling to himself, he went around to his side, climbed in and headed for home.

“Burrr. It’s so cold tonight.” Bellamy rubbed her glove-clad hands together and jiggled her legs up and down in the seat. He reached over and hit the switch that would warm her seat. She always forgot his truck could do that.

“I know what will warm you right up.”