Page 89 of Race or Ruin

“All I could think about while I was in that cage, other than getting Liza to safety, was what if I never got this with you again? All I ever wanted was to have someone love me the way you do and if Jacob ruined it for me, I’d never get my happy ending with you.”

He leaned back so that he was sitting on his bended legs, pulling Bellamy with him so that her legs were folded on either side of his, enabling her to ride him. Feeling his orgasm riding up on him fast, he stopped her up and down movement, fastened his lips to her hard nipple and sucked hard, ending with a little nip with his teeth. She gasped and jolted in his arms. He fisted her hair in his hand and pulled her head back, treating her exposed neck to a more aggressive nip. A shiver raced down her body as goose bumps erupted down her arm.

“Fuck,” he groaned against her neck. She’d squeezed her inner muscles just like the day she’d been sitting in his lap when Dagger, Jackson and Jed had interrupted them in his office. “You’re really fucking good at that, baby.” Yeah, he was definitely going to revisit that exhibitionist side of her at a later date.

Time to switch things up if he didn’t want to leave her behind. He pulled her off his lap to lie back on the bed. He flipped her over onto her stomach then grabbed her hips and raised her to her knees so he could take her from behind. “Love this beautiful ass.” He squeezed both globes in his hands, adding fucking her ass to his to-do list.

She started to raise up on her hands until he pushed between her shoulders so that she was forced to drop her top half back down. She lay with her head turned to the side, resting on the bed. With a thrust of his hips, he was back inside her warm, wet pussy. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes as he thrust his hips several times. Never in his life had he enjoyed fucking someone as much as he enjoyed fucking Bellamy. To think he was going to get a lifetime of this made his cock twitch, almost causing him to explode. “You close?” he growled.

“Yes. I need…” she trailed off, fisting her hands in the covers, lost to the feeling of him pounding her pussy.

Race knew exactly what she needed. He folded his body over hers and reached one hand around her waist and between her legs. He worked her clit and felt her pussy tighten around him, followed by a flood of wetness around his cock. “Yeah, that’s it. Give it to me, Bellamy, but keep in mind the kids are here.”

He watched her clench her teeth, fighting the need to shout her release as she bared down on him, riding out her orgasm. He didn’t wait for her to completely finish before he reared up on his knees and brought her with him. He moved them forward, his dick never leaving her pussy, until they were inches from the wall at the head of the bed. He placed both her hands on the wall and spread her legs wider, hammering into her from behind. He covered one of her hands, entwining their fingers while the other held her tight around the waist, giving him the leverage he needed to fuck her hard.

“Oh, Race, I’m going to come again.” Her voice had grown strained and ragged.

His rhythm faltered as he felt his own orgasm building. His balls tightened and his shaft pulsed with the need to release. “Touch yourself.”

All he could do was hang on and thrust wildly from behind. Her free hand slipped from the wall and disappeared between her legs. As soon as her fingers touched her clit, her pussy tightened around him, his breath sucking sharply through his teeth. This time when she came, he went with her. An explosion of sensation flooded his system. It was like a bolt of lightening shot through his cock. He buried his face in her neck in order not to shout and alert his kids what their old man was doing with his woman. Suspecting something and knowing it were two different things.

Bellamy’s head dropped back on his shoulder, her eyes closed. “I can’t move. You fucked me senseless.”

Race chuckled and wrapped both his arms around her middle. “Good. Then we’re even. You did the same damn thing to me.”

With his arms still around her, he dropped back on the bed, snuggling Bellamy into his side. He’d give it a minute so they could both catch their breath, then he’d spin them around and get under the covers. Fuck. The woman did it for him in every sense of the word.

“Love you, Race,” Bellamy declared from where her head rested on his chest.

“I fucking love you, too, baby.”


Race took his seat at the head of the table. Church was due to start in another five minutes and as usual Tuck and Tulsa were cutting it close. It had been one week since they’d dealt with Jacob Jacobson and any threat he might pose once and for all. Trick didn’t have to sleep with one eye open, wondering when the next attempt on Lindsey might be and Race didn’t have to worry about him using Bellamy as a pawn in his sick, twisted games.

During that time the Phantom Furies MC had grown bolder with their attempts to move into Redemption. Playing chase and peek-a-boo around the city must have lost its luster because Sunday night Dillon, their plant geneticist, was attacked in the parking lot as he was leaving Bottom’s Up. He’d been unconscious for two days and only woken up last night. Race, Dagger and Maverick had gone to see him this morning.

Tuck and Tulsa slipped in, closing the door behind them. They took their seats and Race called the meeting to order.

“As you are all aware, Dillon was jumped as he was coming out of Bottom’s Up Sunday night. He finally woke up last night and Dagger, Mav and I went to see him. He told us that he was attacked from behind and was knocked to the ground. He said there were at least three of them and he managed to get a good look at the cuts. Phantom Furies.”

They had all been leaning toward the other club as the perpetrators of the attack on Dillon but they had waited until they had positive confirmation before deciding their next moves.

Race turned his attention to Jed. “Were you able to figure out how they would have found out about Dillon?”

“Yeah,” Jed ran a hand over his scruffy jaw. “He had a thing for one of the strippers at Bottom’s Up. Her name is Lily. I caught up with her at her apartment. She said that he told her about his job, but not that he worked for us. It looks like the Phantoms have been watching us a lot closer than we thought because they were aware of Dillon’s attraction to Lily. From what she said, one of them caught up with her at a convenience store. When she didn’t immediately admit to knowing Dillon he slapped her around and choked her. She’ll be out of work until the bruises fade.”

“Son of a bitch. Why is everyone watching us all of a sudden? First, Jacob The Fucker Jacobson and now the Phantom Furies are all spying on us and we had no idea? What the hell is wrong with us? How are they not being seen?” Tuck groused.

“I don’t know. I thought I was always being aware of my surroundings, but now I’m not so sure I’ve been doing a good enough job.” Trick scowled.

“Well, I’m fucking sick of being the object of everyone’s attention. Everyone needs to be hyper aware at all times. Tell your families to be extra vigilant and to report anything hinky so we can check it out.” Race replied.

“What are we going to do about the Phantoms?” Chris asked.

“One thing we need to do is figure out a way to keep them from getting into Bottom’s Up. Feels like a slap in the face every time they get in there,” Tulsa suggested.

“I agree,” Tuck said, closely followed by several others.