Page 82 of Race or Ruin

“Okay. I don’t mind that she’s with Bellamy if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“No. I’m not worried about that. Liza was at Bling when Bellamy was taken by two men and they took her, too. A man named Jacob Jacobson has them. I’m supposed to get a call from him any time now so that I can get them back.” Race ran a hand through his hair, closed his eyes and braced for the worst.

“What did you say?”

“Liza and Bellamy have been kidnapped. The man that took them is connected to the man that tried to take Lindsey from Trick. He’s come looking for his man. We’re supposed to make a trade in,” he glanced at the time on his phone, “ten minutes. I have to get off the phone.”

“No,” her voice cracked on a whisper. “I can’t believe someone took Liza.”

“I’m sorry, Eve. I have to go. I’ll call you again when I have her back.” Race tried to hurry her along. It wasn’t lost on him that she was entitled to ream his ass or to have a mini breakdown, but he didn’t have the time or patience right now to indulge her.

“Is this club related?” she asked.

“It wasn’t, but it is now.”

“I can’t believe my girl was taken by a criminal.” He hadn’t dared tell her Jacob was a human trafficker. She would have completely lost her shit. “She must be so scared.” Her fear for their daughter broke his heart.

“She’s not alone, Eve. She’s with Bellamy. She’ll keep her safe. She’s the kind of woman that would die to protect her. Remember how she took care of Liza before? And that was before she became my woman.”

“You and Bellamy are together?” Eve asked.

“Yeah, babe. We’ll talk about it when I get the two of them back. We can talk as long as you want but I have to get off the phone now. I can’t miss this call.”

“All right. You get them back and call me. I trust you, Race.” Eve quickly hung up after that. He couldn’t have been more shocked if he’d been hit in the head with a ball bat. He’d been so sure she’d lose her shit and threaten to never let him see his kids again.

He’d been lucky. Since the divorce they’d remained friends. They were partners in raising their children. They always kept each other in the loop.

He scrubbed a hand over his face, took a fortifying breath and returned to the main room just in time for the burner phone to ring. He answered on the second ring. “Where?” He listened as Jacob rattled off an address.

“Do you know where that is?” Jacob asked.

“Yes. I know the general area.” He watched Tuck plug the address into his cell phone to get directions at the same time Chris pulled it up on Google Earth to get a satellite image.

“Excellent. You have thirty minutes.”

“Wait! It’ll take at least forty-five to get there. You don’t want me to get pulled over with Kurtis in the vehicle, do you?”

Jacob was silent for a moment, supposedly mulling over Race’s request. “Fine. Forty-five minutes.” He hung up before anything more could be said.

“Well?” Race asked Tuck and Chris.

Chris spun his laptop around to show the satellite image of a rather big two-story log cabin. It showed surrounding woods and possible entry points for the other brothers to get inside after they dealt with whatever threat there was outside. There was no way Jacob didn’t have other men with him, patrolling around the house to make sure Race and his club didn’t get the drop on him. He imagined a man like him would always have men surrounding him, making him feel safe and protected.

“Got the directions,” Tuck announced, holding up his phone.

“Okay. Jackson, Trick and Preacher, let’s go. The rest of you follow behind and get in the house as quickly as you can.”

* * *

“Almost there, Race,”Jackson called from the front of the van.

“All right. You ready?” Race looked at Preacher.

“Yes. Let’s do this. I want to get my hands on Jacob Jacobson and show him what happens to a piece of shit who takes my sister.”

Race nodded and lowered a black hood over Preacher’s head. The material was thin enough that Preacher would have minimal sight but no one would be able to make out his features. They’d already cuffed his hands in front of him. He assured them he was just as deadly with his hands bound as without.

Race was trying to keep it together but images flashed of what that motherfucker could be doing to Bellamy or, God forbid, Liza and he was about to come out of his skin. He’d seen what Kurtis Black had done to a woman when they rescued Lindsey.