Page 78 of Race or Ruin

They sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. Liza broke it when she asked, “Do you think Martha will be okay?”

Bellamy’s gut clenched. She couldn’t get the sight of her grandmother lying on the floor with a quickly spreading pool of blood beneath her out of her head. “I hope so. I’m sure Cathy called for help as soon as we were out the door.”

“What do you think they’re going to do with us?” The sound of Liza sniffling broke her heart. The poor girl was innocent in all of this. Her only fault was being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Bellamy felt like shit that she’d gotten caught up in Charlotte’s scheming.

“I don’t know. Try not to worry, honey. Your dad will come for us.”

Bellamy closed her eyes and prayed with all her might that what she said was true and he got to them in time. She wasn’t sure what this Jacob man had planned for them, but she planned to do whatever she had to in order to buy Race time to find them.

A noise from the stairwell drew her attention, alerting her that they were getting company. The two goons came around the corner at the bottom of the stairs and Bellamy’s stomach rolled. Was this it? Was this where they did whatever they were going to do to her?

A third man appeared behind their kidnappers. He looked to be around six feet tall, average build, average looks. His short, expensively cut blond hair and his $2,000 suit did not take away from his scary dark eyes. Eyes so dark they were almost black. His smile was fake and practiced she was sure. The closer he got to them, the more her hairs on the back of her neck rose. This man wasn’t just dangerous, he was evil. She could feel it.

“Hello, Bellamy. My name is Jacob and I imagine you are wondering why you are here.” He stood with his hands shoved in his pants pockets, the picture of laid back and unconcerned.


“You are a means to an end.” He peered closer at Liza. “Who is that with you?” He scanned her up and down, similar to someone measuring the weight of meat.

“That’s Race’s daughter,” Charlotte stepped from behind Jacob and informed him. “I tried to tell Andrew—” His hand came up, stopping her from saying anything more.

“Charlotte, go have a seat near the fire,” Jacob commanded. Charlotte’s lips were pinched, but she knew not to argue.

Bellamy waited until the other woman did what she was told. “What did you mean I’m a means to an end?”

“We’ve been watching the Sons of Redemption for a while now. Mostly Race. Since he’s the president, I was very interested in him and his life. We have pictures of you coming and going at his house and at the Sons or Redemption property. You are important to the president. His daughter being here is just a bonus. More leverage.” His smile made Bellamy’s skin crawl.

“Leverage for what?” Bellamy had no idea what was going on.

Jacob pulled on his shirt sleeves, straightening them beneath his suit jacket. “He has something I want. Now I have something he wants. We’re going to make a trade.”

The sound of a cell phone ringing interrupted their conversation. He pulled a phone from his pocket. “Let’s see how quickly he wants to trade.” He flipped the phone open and put it to his ear as he moved toward the other side of the room. “Race. I’m so happy you called.”

* * *

“He’s here,”Tuck announced and pocketed his phone.

Hebeing Preacher. One of the brothers manning the gate had texted to let them know of his arrival.

“Bring him in,” Race ordered.

Calling Preacher and telling him that Bellamy was missing was just about as difficult as Race had imagined. Telling him his grandmother had been shot and was in surgery at that very moment was even more so. The man had gone deathly quiet on the other end of the line until he informed Race he was on his way. The line disconnected and Race braced for the storm that was to come. It looked like the storm was here.

Earlier, he’d sent anyone not a brother on their way. He’d sent his kids home with Calliope so he could put his whole concentration on finding out where Jacob Jacobson would have taken his woman and daughter.

It had torn him up to see Shannon had still looked shaken and pale. Derrick’s lips had been set in a grim line, obviously feeling the loss of his sister and Bellamy hard. If he was a little older, he would more than likely insist on being a part of the rescue plan. For now, he was okay with keeping Shannon close.

It fucking burned in his gut that his kids had been touched by this shit. The club worked hard to keep these kinds of things from touching their families. To them, families were sacred and it was their duty to protect them at all costs.

Race snagged one hand behind his son’s neck and pulled him into his side. He copied the action with Shannon. He spoke to them in low tones. “Iwillget your sister and Bellamy back. I love you both more than you know. I need you to go with Calliope until I get the girls back.” He pulled Derrick back far enough to look him in the eye. “I need you to help Calliope any way you can. Mainly, you need to keep her calm. Can you do that for me?”

“You know I will, Dad.” Derrick’s voice was rough with pent up emotions.

“Thank you.” He hugged him close, then kissed the top of his head. He turned him loose and pulled his baby girl in for a tight hug. He kissed the top of her head and he let her go. Her tears gutted him. “Love you, baby girl.” He pushed a strand of hair out of her face. “I promise I will get your sister and Bellamy back. Now, go with Calliope and Derrick. We need get started.”

“Love you, too, Daddy.” She wiped her cheeks, then took Calliope’s hand and walked out the door, the sound of it clicking shut behind them.

He rubbed at his face with both hands. “God damn it!” He picked up a chair and smashed it several times on the floor, busting it into multiple pieces.