Page 54 of Race or Ruin

Trick smiled and handed another burrito over Race’s shoulder.

“Thanks, man.”

“I don’t want any kisses from you either.”

Race wanted to get to Dagger’s and hopefully get everything they needed to get done today done. One way or another he was cornering Bellamy and finishing their talk so he could clear the air and get them on track to where he wanted them to be.

Pulling his truck to a stop at their destination, he shot off a text to Bellamy while the others piled out.Sorry I missed you this morning. You were busy and the guys were in a hurry. See you tonight. We’ll talk.

He pocketed his phone when he didn’t get an immediate response. Odds were she was still helping the old ladies with whatever the old ladies were doing. He wasn’t sure of all the things the women did and he never really asked. He just appreciated that things got done that he didn’t have to worry about.

Hopping out of his truck, he met the guys around back and got to work. Tulsa directed the men on what needed to be done and things were coming together quickly. They might actually get back before dark tonight.

At lunch time, Jackson found him and let him know that he needed to take off so he could get Calliope to her doctor’s appointment. Race waved him off and told him not to worry about coming back, there were enough guys there to get everything done.

As they worked he listened to Lance, Chris, Tulsa, Tuck and Jed moan and groan about how they couldn’t wait for things to go back to normal so they could get some pussy back in the clubhouse. It was like listening to a bunch of high schoolers talking about girls they wanted to get lucky with after a party. He shook his head and wondered what Bellamy was up to.

He texted her a couple more times before lunch and still didn’t get a reply.

Aware that Jackson had to pick up Calliope at the clubhouse, he thought he’d call him and ask if he’d seen Bellamy. Maybe he could tell him what she was doing that kept her so busy she couldn’t respond to a simple text.

“Hello?” Jackson greeted him.

“Hey. You still at the doctor’s office?”

“No. Just got home.”

“When you were at the clubhouse picking up Calliope, did you happen to see what Bellamy was doing while you were there?” Race sat in his truck, having told Maverick he needed to make a call. It was too cold to be standing around outside talking on a phone. If you weren’t moving, you tended to get cold quick.

“Yeah, she was there.”

Why was Jackson being so stingy with his answers? Couldn’t he elaborate a little more instead of forcing Race to play Twenty Questions? “What was she doing?”

“I don’t know.”

“Did you talk to her?” Race felt his patience slipping.


Now the man just had to be fucking with him. “What did you talk about?” he asked through clenched teeth.

“She wanted us to drop her off at her Grandma Martha’s on our way to the doctor’s office.”

“Did you?” Swear to God, if the man didn’t spit it all out Race was going to bang his head on the steering wheel.


“Did she say why she wanted to go to her grandmother’s house?” Race rubbed at his forehead thanking his lucky stars that Jackson wasn’t standing right beside him because he would be hard pressed not to shoot him.

“She said she just moved in and needed help unpacking. I saw Preacher there.”

Preacher was in town? He supposed it made sense he’d want to be there for his grandmother through the storm.

When Race didn’t immediately respond, Jackson asked, “Is there something going on between you and Bellamy? I know she spent the night in your room, but is there something serious going on?”

“I thought there might be, but her taking off doesn’t sound like it.” Race dropped his head back against the headrest.

“You try sending her a message?”