Page 53 of Race or Ruin

“Are you guys done working at Dagger’s?”

“No. Calliope has a doctor’s appointment in an hour so I took off a little early to take her.” He went behind the bar and pulled out a bottle of water. He unscrewed the top and tipped it back.

Holy cow! Could this be it? Could this be her way out of here?

She cleared her throat. “Do you think you could drop me off at my Grandma Martha’s house on your way to the doctor’s appointment? It’s on the way.”

Jackson thought about it for so long, she was afraid he was going to say no. He almost looked like he wanted to say something. Whatever it was, he didn’t get the chance to say given that Calliope was heading their way.

“What are you guys talking about?” Calliope asked as she approached, hitching her purse strap over her shoulder.

“I was wondering if you guys could drop me off at Grandma Martha’s on your way to your doctor’s appointment. She just moved in and I wanted to help her get all her boxes unloaded. I’d feel bad if she had to do it all by herself.” The way Jackson was watching her, she wasn’t sure he believed what she was saying. Could he see through her ruse?

“Oh. Of course. We can drop you off. Right, honey?” Calliope smiled sweetly at Jackson.

“Yeah. Sure. You need to get anything?” he asked Bellamy.

“Just my purse and coat. I’ll be right back.” She took off and quickly retrieved the only things she’d brought with her. She jumped into the backseat of Jackson’s truck and didn’t relax until he pulled to a stop in front of her grandmother’s house. Isaac stepped out onto the front porch, his hands in his front pockets and no coat. What was he thinking? Was he trying to get sick?

With her hand on the door knob, Calliope stopped her. “Hey! I almost forgot. Lindsey and her friends want to have a girls’ night out Wednesday. You in?”

“Are you going?”

“Of course. I just won’t be drinking, obviously.”

Bellamy almost choked on her laughter at the sound of Jackson growling from the front seat. Apparently, he wasn’t too hip on the idea of his pregnant wife going to a bar. “Sure. Sounds like fun. Call me later and fill me in on your appointment and the details for girls’ night.”

“You got it.”

Hopping out, she thanked both of them for a ride and wished them well at her appointment. As soon as she made the top of the stairs, Isaac was there to welcome her with open arms and a tight hug.

“I’m glad you were able to get here. Grandma Martha is going to be surprised.” Isaac kept an arm around her shoulders and led her inside. The smell of apple pie baking in the oven felt like home.

Being here, surrounded with her family and lots and lots of boxes to unpack, she was sure she’d be free of all thoughts involving Race.

She wondered if when he got back to the clubhouse and found her gone if he would even care. Hell, he probably wouldn’t notice until bed time.

An hour later, she discovered how wrong she was. Race started sending her text messages and phone calls saying he wanted to talk to her.Pick up the damn phone. It didn’t take her long to shut her phone off completely. How was she supposed to get over the man if he wouldn’t leave her alone?


It was only 8:00 a.m. and Race had already checked in with Eve to see how the kids were doing and had an early morning meeting with Tulsa, getting a feel for what they would be doing today. It looked like another long day was ahead of them. That was a shame because he still hadn’t gotten to talk to Bellamy yet. He had this nagging feeling that he needed to do it sooner rather than later. She’d been avoiding him last night but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.

After they’d had sex yesterday morning, he thought things were going good between them. He thought his apology for being a dick to her in the past had soothed her fears that he was not going to kick her out again.

If he hadn’t been so dog tired when he came to bed last night, he would have woken her up and talked. And fucked. Instead, he’d crawled under the covers and pulled her into his side, falling asleep almost as quickly as his head hit the pillow. She was still in the same position when he woke this morning. He debated on fucking her awake, but the long list of things he needed to get done before the brothers got an earlier start at Dagger’s today prevented him from following through.

Once he cleared his office, he went back to his bedroom and wasn’t the least bit surprised to find Bellamy already gone. He knew where he’d find her and he also knew they wouldn’t be having any private conversations before he left.

Upon entering the main area, he saw the men eating breakfast and drinking coffee, something he should be doing. He backtracked and found Bellamy in the kitchen with Calliope and Jane, their backs to the door, doing dishes. It didn’t look like luck was on his side. He’d have to wait and catch her when he got back from Dagger’s later. Already he could hear the guys yelling for him to get the lead out.

Damn it. Not only did he not get to speak with Bellamy, he didn’t get to eat breakfast or have coffee. He let the kitchen door close behind him and hurried out to his truck. He fired it up and was giving it a minute to warm up when Trick tapped on his shoulder from the back seat.

“Here you go. You missed breakfast.” Race’s stomach growled at the delicious smell of breakfast burrito. “Thanks, man. I’m starving.” He unwrapped the burrito and started in. Maverick jumped in the front seat and set a travel mug of coffee in the cup holder in the console. “If you were a woman, I’d kiss you right now.”

“Thank God for small miracles then.” Maverick laughed and snapped his seatbelt into place.

Before they could leave the parking lot, Race had devoured his breakfast burrito and wiped his hands on his jeans. Looking in his rearview, he found Trick watching him. “You wouldn’t happen to have another one of those, would you?”