Page 52 of Race or Ruin

“Yes. I came here to ride out the storm with her. The moving trucks got everything delivered just before it moved in and now she’s like a tornado, going through all the boxes looking for things. Thank God she labeled all the boxes or we would have never found the bedding last night. Her insistence that we had to find it almost had me trudging through the storm and breaking into the closest store to get blankets and sheets.” He chuckled, not the least bit exaggerating. Once Grandma Martha made up her mind about something, no one was going to change it.

Bellamy laughed. She could just picture her brother’s harried expression as he searched through box after box. “I should come over and help her get her house set up.”

“That would be great, but you should probably wait until they get the rest of the streets cleared. The city plow trucks haven’t been through here yet.”

Bummer. She really wished she could be with her grandmother and brother right now. Their unconditional love was always a balm to her soul. And she could sure use some cheering up. “What’s she making?”

“I had groceries delivered a couple of days ago so we’re having strawberry pancakes, eggs and bacon.”

“You little shit. You’re so lucky.”

“Oh shit. I’ve gotta go. She’s trying to climb up on a chair to reach something in an upper cabinet.”

“Isaac, wait! How long are you in town for?” she hurried to get out before he could hang up.

“Uh, a couple of days I think. Unless something at work pops up that needs my personal attention.”

“Okay. I’ll let you go. Tell Grandma Martha I love her.”

“Will do. Love you, Bella.”

“Love you, too, Isaac.”

Bellamy disconnected the call and held her phone to her chest, suddenly feeling a little homesick. She would give anything to be with her grandmother and brother right now. It had been ages since the three of them had been able to spend any time together. Men’s voices coming from the opposite side of the room caught her attention.

Two of the younger members of the Sons of Redemption were making their way across the gym. They looked like they were freshly showered with wet hair and towels around their necks.

“How much longer do you think it will be before everyone will get to go home and we can have our rooms back?” one of them said.

“I don’t know, but sleeping on the floor, even with a sleeping bag, in Tuck’s room is killing my back,” the other one said.

“I hear ya. Jed’s floor isn’t much better,” the first one said.

“You know what I’ll like more?” the second one asked.

“No. What?”

“When everyone leaves and we can get pussy back in here. I swear to God I’m so horny. If I have to jack off in Jed’s shower one more time, I think my dick might fall off.”

They both enjoyed a good laugh at that.

“I can’t wait for that blonde girl to come back. You know the one,” the first one stopped the second one with a hand on his arm. “The one Race fucked on the pool table that one time?”

“Oh yeah. Heard she has a tight pussy. You don’t think he’d be mad if we tapped that, do you?”

“I don’t know why he would. It’s not like he’s tied down to anyone. He’s been fucking anything that walks in here.”

“Well he sure got lucky when he found Calliope’s friend and brought her in to ride out the storm with.”

They started walking, their voices fading. “Yeah, I bet he hasn’t had to jack off.”

Oh my God. Bellamy was mortified. Not that they thought she and Race were having sex, but that Race might feel as they do, that she’s convenient, accessible pussy. Like Charlotte. She needed to get out of here. She couldn’t face Race one more day knowing she was going to be replaced just as soon as the families left.

It was around lunchtime and she’d been trying to figure out a way to get out here before Race got back without any luck. She was about to give up when Jackson walked through the door.

“Have you seen Calliope?” he asked her.

“Yes. She went to use the bathroom.” He gave her a chin lift in recognition, then nothing else.