Page 26 of Race or Ruin

Being in the same vicinity as Race was the last thing she wanted to do. He’d made things perfectly clear as to how he felt about her. She was someone that could be put in the same category as Charlotte or one of these many, many sweet butts and hang arounds. The thought made her sick and broke her heart.

After the way things ended between them that night she’d confronted him about the refrigerator, she’d managed to do a really good job of avoiding him. That was until she’d found him and her brother on her back deck fighting in the dark two nights ago. The memory of throwing water all over him had been quite gratifying. He’d been so shocked it had been a true challenge not to laugh in his face.

Once she’d gotten home from Race’s house and eaten what was left of her Rocky Road ice cream—which amounted to half the carton—she’d come to the realization that she had feelings for Race. She wasn’t sure exactly what those feelings were or even when they’d developed, but she knew she couldn’t be friends or a casual hook-up with him. And it absolutely infuriated her that she cared so much about the man. Just look at the jerk. He had some redheaded bimbo hanging off his arm. She was damn near climbing him like a pole.

He wasn’t looking at Bellamy, but she knew he was aware that she’d looked his direction a time or two. The jerk was going out of his way to avoid her, which was fine by her. She really didn’t think she could talk to him without going off on him and that was a big no no to do in front of his club.

“I haven’t talked to you in a while.” Calliope took a seat by her on the couch after having gone off to use the bathroom. “Did you ever get your hot water heater and refrigerator fixed?”

“Oh. Yes. I did. Race came over and looked at the hot water heater and said it needed replaced. Which is all fine and good considering it took him two weeks to come check it out. The bad thing was that he had a new one in his garage the entire time and couldn’t find time to either fix it himself or send one of his guys to do it. So, I took cold showers for a whole week.”

She did not share that she and Race had kissed in her laundry room that day. She also did not share that it had been the best kiss, by far, that she’d ever had.

“Oh, no! You could have come over to our house and taken a shower.” Calliope patted her leg.

“I know, but I didn’t want to impose and I didn’t want to catch whatever you all had going on at your house.” Bellamy waved her hand dismissively in Calliope’s direction.

Calliope didn’t take offense. “Yeah, I don’t blame you. Ryker had the upper respiratory thing and a stomach bug. Jackson ended up with the upper respiratory stuff and lucky me got vomiting and diarrhea. I think I lost at least five pounds this week.”

Bellamy mentally patted herself on the back for avoiding all that.

“Hey, ladies. What’s up?” Lindsey, Trick’s woman, joined them on the couch. Bellamy had met her through Calliope and through club events. She’d liked her instantly and they’d become quick friends.

“Bellamy was just telling me about Race dealing with her water heater and refrigerator.” Calliope turned sideways, hitching a knee into the seat so she could better face Bellamy.

She shrugged her shoulder. “Well, I basically told him that had he not showed up to check it out I was on the verge of showing up at his house every morning at six a.m. to use his shower.”

Calliope choked on her laughter. “Oh my God! What did he say to that?”

“Nothing. Before he could say anything, someone knocked at my door, interrupting our conversation.” Bellamy’s brows lifted in that “are you ready for this?” kind of way. “I opened my door to find this big-boobed blonde bimbo on my front porch. I mean, she looked like a stripper or one of the women you’d see here. Before I could say a word, she wanted to know if I’drun alongand find Race for her. She was ready to go home.”

Calliope’s eyes were almost bugging out of her head. “The woman he’d had sex with the night before came to your house?”

“Yup.” She popped the “p” for emphasis. “From what I gather, her name is Charlotte, or at least that’s what Race called her. And all this went down in front of Grandma Martha. Oh, and she was the one he’d been having sex with in the hot tub that night I was talking to you on the phone, Calliope.”

“Noooooo!” Lindsey eyes grew huge.

Calliope threw her head back in hysterical laughter. “Oh my God! What are the odds?”

Bellamy chanced a quick look Race’s way and found him frowning in her direction. It was like he knew she was talking about him. She cocked her head slightly to the side, one brow and one side of her mouth kicked up, daring him to say something. And what did the man do? He smiled wide and winked at her while his arm was still wrapped around some hang around.

She growled under her breath and turned back to Calliope and Lindsey, completely dismissing him. Once her friends settled down enough to speak again, Lindsey asked, “What about your fridge?”

“He said it was broken and for me to go pick one out and have it delivered. I could send the bill to him and he’d take care of it.”

“Did you go get one?”

“Yes, I did. I bought one for $1,700 just to piss him off.” Bellamy’s smile was mischievous.

“Damn. I’ve been missing out on a lot of stuff.” Calliope reached over and clasped her hand. “Did his head explode when he got the bill?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I imagine it was close. I came home from work a couple of days later and the fridge I picked out was gone. I thought he’d returned it and gotten a different one. Needless to say, I was not happy. I was even more unhappy when I found out that my Rocky Road ice cream was missing.”

“What did you do?” Lindsey asked.

“Well, I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was in my pajamas, threw on my boots and stomped over to his house. He let me in and that’s where I found my refrigerator. With my ice cream in the freezer.” Bellamy could smile and laugh about it up to that point. From then on, she’d keep the details to herself.

No way would she divulge that she and Race had ended up having sex right there in his kitchen, then, as though Bellamy was just another whore, sent her back home with a metaphorical pat on the head. That had hurt more than she cared to admit. She’d felt like such a fool.