Still, she’s going to be my biggest roadblock for the entire race. I just have to focus past that. If I get the drop on her, she won’t even have the chance. With my position settled, I start to get myself in the winner’s mindset.

Yet despite my best efforts, a certain distracting blond claims the seat next to me. I stiffen, the electric hum of her proximity playing havoc with my senses. This cosmic joke of a bond could threaten everything if I let it take hold.

I know she can feel it, too, looking at me all doe-eyed, and for what? So she can treat me with resentment and indifference after a couple of adventures when she realizes the life she has with me is far too insane to drag her through?

No thank you.

Eyes on the prize.

The officiator, a decorated officer from the royal battalion, stands tall at the center. "The path ahead will take you through some of the most unforgiving terrain our world has to offer," she begins, her gravelly voice echoing off the sandstone walls. I quickly lose track of what she’s saying, pissed that annoying little human picked the seat next to mine. “Anywhere else you could have sat…” I grumble under my breath.

“Excuse me?” She looks over at me, but I don’t meet her eyes. They are the only words she’ll get out of me. Murmurs ripple through the crowd as the officiator details the punishing inclines, hidden sinkholes, and venomous wildlife we may encounter, but I know all of that already and don’t care.What I want to know is what this woman thinks she’s doing in my trial.

“You would think it would be the wildlife, the savage primordials who are protected and exist only to test you, but I assure you, the real threat here is resource management. Hydration, exposure, and rapidly changing atmospheric pressure for starters. It’s a test of endurance, how you are able to handle yourself and resources under extreme pressure."

Dammit, get it together. This trial is your life. The adventure lifestyle will never do you wrong.

"Remember," the officiator continues, her voice cutting through the early morning haze. "The right gear can mean thedifference between life and death. And your survival kit contains crucial supplies, including water purification tablets, medical supplies, and rations. You must manage these resources wisely throughout the trial."

As the briefing continues I struggle to concentrate, my thoughts drifting to Iara. But I must push through the briefing. Any edge I can get will propel me further ahead. This trial is a test not only of physical strength but also of willpower and determination.

And it's time for me to prove my mettle on one of the toughest trials Kiphia has to offer.

Typically aspirants take one of the numerous positions offered by completing an ancient trial, but that’s not enough for me, I must collect them all before taking my rightful position as the greatest adventurer to walk this planet.

My mind struggles to focus as she goes over the carabiners, ropes, and harnesses. Despite having a mountaineering background, these unforgiving mountains will be a challenge and I need to be at the top of my game.

Amidst the officiator's instructions, Iara’s leg brushes against mine. It's a subtle, unintentional touch, but the sensation reverberates through me like an electric shock. My senses are heightened and our cosmic bond threatens to pull me out of focus.

Something deep and primal claws at my veins, making my blood pump harder and hotter. It’s like a parasite has taken up residence inside of my chest. It’s screaming and begging me to close the gap, touch her, hold her,take her. Make her mine and fill the void I never felt before now. Even my years of dedication to self-control and discipline are threatening to fall apart from this inconvenient ‘bond’ I didn’t ask for.

I can't afford distractions, not now, not when I'm so close to realizing my dreams. I clench my jaw, willing myself to remainresolute, my eyes fixed firmly ahead and ignoring the magnetic pull of her presence.My need and desire for her.

As the officiator emphasizes a vital piece of information, my attention snaps back to her. I'm determined not to miss a crucial detail in this life-or-death briefing. However, the distraction of Iara's messy notes and seemingly cryptic shorthand keeps throwing me off course. Her chaotic attempt at capturing the information in charts and spheres is maddening, and just as I begin to decipher some of it, she shoots me a sly smile.

The audacity of her is overwhelming, but I remind myself that I need to stay focused. My goals are at stake, and I can't let my cosmic bond with her or her strange behavior derail my path to victory. I force my gaze away from her and turn my full attention back to the officiator's instructions.

"The challenges you'll face in these unforgiving mountains are not to be underestimated. There may come a time when survival is the only option, and in those moments, the race itself becomes secondary. Remember, we lose skilled aspirants every year. You can consider yourself lucky if you use your communicator to pull out of the race and call for rescue before you experience a fatal injury. And in those bleakest times, even a rival's warmth could mean the difference between life and death.”

I glance at Iara, imagining us huddled together against the cold, our mutual disdain forgotten in the struggle to see dawn.

Sensing my stare, she bristles. "Oh please, like I'd ever lay with you for warmth. Keep dreaming, buddy." Her ponytail flicks in defiance as she returns to her notes.

I already need a drink…

Ironic, considering with my help, she would be at least thrice as powerful or more. But I know at some point she would let me down, fated mate or not. A scrawny little human thing like her would never be able to keep up with a life of adventure, letalone a simple little deadly trial through two hundred miles of the roughest terrain and switchbacks the kingdom has to offer.

This is going to be awesome.

And I’m choosing myself now before the temptress has any more effect on my process.

I take a deep breath and realize I missed a good deal of the briefing and have to look at more of her esoteric chirnoo scratch. “Maybe if you paid attention, you wouldn’t have to cheat off me,” she says, never breaking eye contact from the projection. Her hand is still moving, continuing to take notes as she attempts to chide me.Well, two can play that game . . .

"In case of an emergency or if you find yourself unable to continue, it's essential to remember the designated pickup points," the officiator says, emphasizing each word. "These areas are marked clearly along the race course, and our rescue teams will be stationed there to provide assistance."

She subtly nudges me, an unwelcome reminder that I've overlooked this crucial detail. The annoying little human gives me an amused look, clearly relishing the chance to one-up me in the knowledge department.

"See, Rylan? You might want to pay more attention to the fine print. Who knows when this little tidbit might come in handy?" She flashes a sly grin, leaving me to acknowledge her point. “At your age, who knows?”