He sets me down.

“I kind of looked up some human stuff.”

He gets down on one knee and holds something out. It’s a ring made of one of the rare metals. This one flashes the colors of the skylights.


“I made it. Will you… marry me?”

I’m too shocked to say anything. A look of absolute panic crosses his face.

“I did it wrong, didn’t I?

“No.” I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “You did it perfectly. And yes, I will!”



“Rylan. Rylan!”

I take a second before I turn around, but I’m sure it’s not my parents. Also, I’m sure I have to stop dreading seeing them. That isn’t going to change anything.

Taurek and Zaya look very happy to see me.


“I didn’t win.”

“What did I tell you?” Taurek wraps his arm around Zaya and pulls her in close. “Nothing but first place would be good enough for this guy.”

“He’s foolish. Everyone who finishes should be proud.”

“Top ten, too.”

“How do you know?”

I have a rough idea of where Iara and I finished. The final results have not been announced yet. He shrugs.

“My position has its privileges. I probably knew when you finished a half second after you did.”

That’s unlikely, but I get his point. He’s here in an official capacity as a royal leader in the Mountain Kingdom, not just as a friend.

“I know you’re busy but before you go, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

I close my eyes and quiet my mind. I sense her presence, it’s very strong. It’s almost like –

“Hi, I’m Iara.”

I open my eyes. She’s right there, holding out her hand. I quickly make the introductions.

“What an unusual ring.”

Zaya’s still holding Iara’s hand, pulling it up to her face for a closer inspection.

“Rylan made it for me.”

“Is it skystone?”