“I… don’t really have a good explanation. But I knew the Valerian wouldn’t hurt you. I’ve got a knack for herbs.”

I spin around and look up at Rylan. “You know, I don’t really think he learned his lesson…”

“I did, I did!”

I look back at Renxel. He looks down at the dirt, and then right into my eyes.

“I… Look, what I did was stupid. I know that now. I was way too focused on winning the race. But what I did…”


Rylan wraps his arm around my waist as he pulls me closer and waits for Renxel to continue.

“I would have had no honor. Even if I had won with all my…”

“Cheating?” I say it at the same time Rylan says, “Tricks?”

“Either. Both. I can’t imagine living with the shame of knowing what I had done. Everyone celebrating me and treating me like a hero, but I would have known all along it wasn’t true. I think… It would have eaten me alive from the inside out.”

“Maybe he did learn his lesson.” Rylan gives me a little squeeze.

“We’re not friends.” I fold my arms across my chest and glare at Renxel as hard as I can. He nods.

“I just wanted you to know I am really sorry.” He leaves without another word.

Rylan sits back down, and I throw myself next to him.

“You’re still mad.”

“Of course, I am. He drugged me. I got lost because of him. If you hadn’t found me –”

“But I did find you.”

I open my mouth, but he smoothers my words with a kiss. His hand inches up my side.

“I don’t think he’ll bother us, or anyone, ever again.”

Rylan’s right. “Can we just not talk about him?” I request.

I lay my head back down on his chest and close my eyes. The sun feels so warm on my skin and he really does make the perfect pillow. The next thing I know he is gently shaking me awake.

“How long was I asleep?” I sit up and stretch my arms over my head.

“A while. But you slept through the bugle. I can’t believe it. It was so loud.”

“What bugle?”

“The race is over.”

“Everyone’s here?” I stand up.

“I don’t know.” He gets up and grabs my hand. We start walking back to the lodge. “They may have pulled some people off the mountain. And I’m not sure they would want to be brought up here after being rescued. I wouldn’t. But everyone is accounted for.”

“What happens next?”

“Tomorrow the real party begins. Everyone’s guests will arrive.” He stops. I turn and look at him. “My parents are coming.”

“Oh. You’ll probably want to spend time with them.”