“Ready to do this?” I ask her, squeezing tight before we finish what we both came to do. Her blue eyes set into a determination I've seen before and would hate to be on the wrong end of.

“Ready like a shot,” she says, grabbing her rope and gear. Her overconfidence unnerves me for this last climb, but I know I have to trust her. She wouldn't have gotten this far if she were just someweak human.

All that’s left is Cradle’s Climb. The jagged wall waits for our ropes and picks to make the ascent many have tried and failed at. As if the unforgiving 90-degree surface of igneous rocks wasn't treacherous in itself, there’s the heat to consider.

“We’ll have to make this quick,” Iara says, grabbing her heavy-duty gloves and strapping into her harness.” The radiant heat from deep within the ground is all that’s left of the dormant volcano. My skin sears at the touch.

I realize we’ve got no other choice.

Taking a breath, I can’t believe what I'm about to say. “It’s easier if we work in tandem.” I don't want it to sound like defeat, because for me, it isn’t. This climb means the world to both of us. I won’t stand in her way should she choose to go up without me.

“You sure you don’t want to do it alone?”

“No,” I tell her, my confidence rising. “Not anymore.”

“Then we do this together.” For good measure, I take my chance to bring her into a lucky kiss. With freezing rain ahead and a scorching mountain face below, I’ll take all the luck I can get.

Deep breaths,I remind myself.One, two, three, four, five.My mindset cools into focus while my training kicks in. Iara glares at the holds like this is the moment she was made for.

With my straps and harness in place, it’s time to begin the first problem.

“Where should we start?”

“None of these holds are great. Plus the heat won't let us stay anywhere for long.”

“Roll of the dice then?”

“Pretty much,” I tell her, grabbing the ropes to follow her up. “Dealer’s choice.” All I can lend her is experience from the trials before. Otherwise, we’re equals at the base of this next climb. Free to live or die by the rules of this mountain.

As soon as we make it ten feet off the ground, the gale picks up around us. I knew Sanat wouldn't be easy, but I was hoping for better luck than this.

From over the butte, the rain pounds so heavily that I can hardly see Iara. She’s only a few feet ahead of me, but with arctic droplets stinging my eyes, I can’t look. I can only climb.



“Can you see anything?” Looking up, my ropes disappear into the haze. It’s all I can do to fit my clawed feet into the scaped surface of the butte, I can only imagine how she’s getting through.

My senses spike when I hear her scream. Seconds later, the tug at my waist alerts me she’s slipped her footing.

The weight of my body is all that holds her from falling. With my free hand, I pull the rope back to the wall’s edge so she can catch in.

“Are you set?” I holler, but the wind carries my voice into the distance. The longer I hold, the more the mountain’s heat digs at my fingertips.

Finally, there’s a tug at the rope from below. It's the only indication I have that all is well.

But the worry won’t abate. Distractions are everything in this game, and for once, my trust falters.

I feel my foot give first when my grip fails me in my right hand. My whole right side flails off the cliffside, hanging in the wind by the sheer grip of my knuckles.

All is lost, I just know it. There’s no stopping gravity this time. It’s the one aspect of this competition I just can't train for.

Then I feel her underneath me. Her hands guide my free leg back towards the rock. She finds the foothold for me, leading my inner foot claw straight to it.

My breath catches in my ears, hot and heavy. Looking down, I see her for the angel she is. I could fall in love with her all over again for the look on her face alone.

Like it's no big deal. It's just what we do now.