"Careful, this 'delicate' human might just outlast you yet."

He grins and gives an exaggerated bow. “Far be it from me to doubt a lady. But perhaps we can be allies on this mountain, you and I."

"We'll see about that," I reply cryptically before continuing along the path. Renxel lingers for a moment, watching me go.

He sticks doggedly by my side, despite my hints he should forge on ahead alone. But companionship out here is not without benefits. An extra hand during perilous traversals, pooling supplies and knowledge. For now, I tolerate his mostly undesired company.

But it is nice seeing him in action. The man has a certain poise while climbing, even if most of his eccentric flourishes are probably dangerous and absolutely for show.

“So where are you from anyway?”

“What’s it matter to you?” I ask. I know his type, probably his entire life was served up on a platter by his daddy. “My origins are too… humble for the likes of a distinguished blue blood like yourself.”

“Well, that much is obvious. But your accent is a dead giveaway. Tell me, is it true humans don’t bother with reading in elementary school?”

“Let’s not talk for a while.”

“No, let us talk more. I find your kind infinitely fascinating.” He yawns, and I throw a handful of snow at him.

The thin air and harsh elements take their toll as we climb ever higher. I remind myself with each agonizing step that the end is within reach if I can endure.

Pausing on a crag to catch my breath, I gaze down at the dizzying expanse below. Somewhere amidst those distant peaks and valleys, Rylan follows his own solitary route.Does he also feel the pang of separation?I harden my heart once more and turn my eyes back skyward.The path ahead promises freedom if I can surmount the final heights.

A river churns far below, sending up a fine mist that coats the ancient log bridge spanning it. The massive fallen tree sags across the formidable chasm, our only passage to the far side.

“We have to cross here,” Renxel says matter of factly. Looking down, the heights are dizzying, but I’ve gone too far to turn back now.

With a deep breath, I follow him out onto the slippery log. The bare tree trunk is barely wide enough for one. We shuffle along carefully, eyes fixed on our foot placement, one foot after the other.

"Careful now, don't look down."

"I can handle myself just fine, thanks." I fix my gaze ahead, trying to ignore Renxel's bothersome nearness. His presence elicits more discomfort than fear. Yet part of me enjoys the attention after Rylan's rejection, even if Renxel represents everything I dislike.

"My apologies, I sometimes forget you humans aren’t nearly as dainty and useless as you appear."

"Keep talking like that, and this 'dainty' human might just shove you right off this ledge," I threaten lightly.

"Ooh, fiery spirit! I like that." Despite myself, I feel my wariness lessening slightly. His pursuit makes my isolation feel less acute, even as my heart yearns for someone else. I shouldn't indulge his interest, but neither do I force him away.

"Just focus on your own footing, I've got this," I reply through gritted teeth. He easily leaps and clears the rest of the log, his cocksure fiery grin taunting me at the end, just begging to catch a glimpse of fear. I shuffle the last several feet, not wanting to think about it. With a deep breath, I make the final bound to the other side.

"There you go, good girl,” he teases, and I have to resist the urge to push him off the edge. I breathe deep, relishing open space, but don’t show it.

He falls into step beside me once more as I traverse a rocky ridgeline.

The narrow mountain ledge barely allows room for us to edge along sideways, pressed together by the sheer drop on either side. My boots scrape along the crumbling ridge, hands braced against the unforgiving rockface.

Renxel's steadying hand finds my waist, grasping firmly. "You're doing great!" he encourages. But his closeness puts me on edge nearly as much as the precipitous ledge does.

“Easy with the hands there, I can take care of myself.”

“Oh, I hadn’t noticed,” he says, giving me a little more space. But as icy winds blast at us with thousands of feet of empty air on all sides, I find myself gripping the back of his pack and fixing my eyes ahead, concentrating on each tiny step forward.

At last, the ridge widens marginally, allowing me to pull away and continue on my own strength. "We're nearly there, just stay focused," he calls over his shoulder as he strides ahead. “Actually, I’m quite impressed that a little human made it this far.”

Finally, just before dusk, we set up camp. We're running low on provisions. But Renxel manages to hunt and cook up a modest yet flavorful meal. With careful attention, sprinkling in precious fresh herbs to make a humble yet flavorful meal, I watch him almost entranced, admittedly impressed by his skill and grateful for the sustenance.

We chat lightly over the crackling fire as we eat. For all his bravado and earlier flirtations, Renxel is pleasant company now. The meal and conversation provide a comforting sense of camaraderie to distract me from my nagging thoughts of Rylan.