“I’m going to get started.”

“Go ahead. I’ll catch up in a bit.”

“Maybe, maybe not.”

She leaves and I watch her until she is out of sight. She’s not running or even walking particularly fast. Maybe she wants to make sure she doesn’t get too far ahead of me.

Ridiculous,I tell myself. She’s just learned to pace herself better, and it’s about time. Besides, even if she ran as hard as she could I’d still catch up if I walked somewhat briskly.

I pick one of the large, upturned leaves off the nearest tree and pour the water in it onto the fire. The small amount hisses and immediately turns into steam. Unfortunately, there was no rain last night. I’ll have to do it the hard way.

The leaves have a high water content, making them terrible for burning. It doesn’t take me long to gather a huge pile of them. I carefully cover the fire, doing my best to ensure that air can’t get in.

While the fire is being smothered, I finish packing. Then I stomp on the fire and double check that it’s out before I leave.

I pass several people almost immediately, but no sign of Iara. Today is more of a rest day. No climbing, just one long walk. It’s a large plateau.

Overall, it’s a lot flatter than the rock faces above and below it, but some of the parts are steep enough that the trail through the woods has switchbacks. No one who makes it to the other side will be climbing today, not if they’re smart anyway.

I spot her in the distance, right before a turn. I act impulsively, turning into the woods and bushwhacking my way up. When I make it back to the trail, I brush myself off. Then I reach into my pocket and pull out the half flower Iara traded me.

“Stupid,” I mutter as I cover the scrape on my ankle with one of the petals.

I should know enough to pull my socks up if I’m going to go crashing through the forest. The short pants expose my claws for hiking, but they also bare my flesh for all sorts of thorns.


I look up. Iara is standing down the trail from me. Her hands are on her hips, and she looks surprised. Surprised and a bit flabbergasted.


“How did you…” She comes closer and looks at me, then peers down the edge of the trail. “You came through that mess?”

I can’t really deny it. There was no other way I could have gotten past her without her seeing me.

“I’m not walking through that. No way. You’re crazy.”

I rub my chin like I’m pretending to think really hard.

“You’re right. I’ll stick to the trail.”

“Oh, you.” She grabs my arm and pushes it. “You did that on purpose.”

“Well, yeah.” I start walking and she follows. I shorten my stride. If she notices, she doesn’t say anything. “I figure it’s just a long boring walk today, so why not have some company?”

“Company? Is that what you call it in your culture?”

“If you’re talking about last night –”

“I am.”

My feet keep moving, but my mouth is frozen.Keep it light,I tell myself. It’s just sex. Phenomenal sex. But I am not mating or committing in any other way.

“I found it… extremely enjoyable. You?”


I steal a glance at her out of the corner of my eye. She is walking determinedly, staring straight ahead. She’s cool with it, she must be. She’s not looking into my eyes and declaring her undying love for me or anything awful like that.