My finger hovers over the button, and for a brief moment, I consider tapping it. I look to Lev, who makes a motion across his neck, warning me of my father’s wrath. I’m not afraid of him, but I am curious.
“What’s so important? What can’t wait until tomorrow?” I ask sarcastically, busting his balls because I can. He obviously wants something from me.
“Don’t come back tomorrow. It’s not a good time. We’ll meet next week after all the buzz from the election has died down.” My father’s uncharacteristically gentle voice piques my interest.
I know he’s lying. He doesn’t want me home, but there’s no way he gives a damn about Rossi’s election. Something’s up. He disagreed with me stealing Scarlett away from her father’s men, fearful I’d ignite another war and delay his retirement.
“We’re coming home tomorrow. I’ve asked Scarlett to marry me, and I’ve made an appointment with Cartier to pick out her ring.” I deliberately fuck with him, still unsure where he’s coming from.
“Engaged?Pozdravleniya!That’s wonderful news. Why don’t you take her to Paris or Mexico? Or visit Vivi in New Orleans. Your sister still thinks she’s off the grid in the Big Easy. I expect she’ll be home soon. Introduce her to Scarlett and convince to get her ass back to Brooklyn. I miss her.” My father’s uncharacteristic chuckle makes me lift the phone and stare at the receiver. He’s gone nuts or maybe had a stroke. I haven’t heard my father laugh in years. Happiness is not part of his genetic makeup.
“Dad, you’re a terrible liar. I am not buying whatever you’re selling. Just tell me what you want or why you don’t want me back in Brooklyn,” I hiss, annoyed this phone call is continuing to take me away from Scarlett.
The line goes silent. I know my father is there because I can hear him breathe, but it takes a full minute before he answers, “I need you to stay away for another week. Do me that favor, and I’ll pay for your wedding. The sky’s the limit. Whatever you want.” My father’s desperation amuses me.
“Tell me why,” I demand, unwilling to cave so fast.
“Because I said so.”
“That’s not good enough,” I reply. “I’m not ten years old. I need a reason.”
More silence. The more reluctant my father is to share the details, the more adamant I become. And now, I’m genuinely curious.
He takes a deep breath and sighs. “I met someone.”
He met someone? What the hell does that have to do with me?
“Good for you. I’m twenty-seven and too old to give a damn about any future stepmothers. Do as you please,” I taunt him, stunned he’s giving me such a hard time over a woman.
My father hits me with another minute of awkward silence, unable to say whatever he needs to say. I’ve never known him to be afraid of anything. It’s been decades since he dated, at least there no one important enough to mention or bring the house. His strange behavior makes me believe there is something illegal about this scenario.
“Dad, is she underage? You’re a forty-eight-year-old man. Stick to women your age. It’s not worth it. And fucking creepy,” I murmur and dampen the volume of my voice with my hand.
“For fuck’s sake, Vas. What kind of man do you think I am?” He scoffs, pissed I’d accuse him but unwilling to fill in the blanks.
I’ll admit it’s out of character, but I’m bound to jump to conclusions when he's not forthcoming.
“Just tell me why, and I’ll take Scarlett to Mexico. You don’t have to twist my arm to spend a week with my doll in nothing but a fucking bikini. But I want to know why,” I bark into the phone and spot Scarlett standing at the foot of the stairs.
She mouths the wordMexicoand gives me a thumbs up. Although that’s not information I share with my dad.
“Listen, don’t give me shit about this. I’m in love and need your help with this situation.”
In love?
“With who?” I have no clue who he could have fallen in love with in my brief absence.
“After you vanished with Scarlett, her friend, a beautiful girl named Sybil, came to me for help. She was desperate and begged me to find her best friend. My heart went out to her.” My father lies through his teeth. He has no heart.
“Bullshit. I know what she looks like. You had the hots for her and withheld our location to spend time with her. She’s the same age as your daughter.” I’m not angry at him for lying. It’s not like I didn’t do worse to make Scarlett fall in love with me.
“Precisely,” he confesses without an ounce of shame. “We’ve spent every day together, trying to solve the mystery of your disappearance. One more week, and I think I can convince her to marry me.”
“You are a dirty old man,” I accuse him with a laugh. As someone who just discovered the intoxicating power of love, I can't hold it against him. "You're paying for this excursion, and we’re getting everything first class.
“You’ve got it. I’ll see you next week. Don’t tell Scarlett about any of this. I don't want her calling Sybil and ruining my sordid plans.”
I hang up the phone and hold my arms out, inviting Scarlett into my embrace. Her warmth soothes me like a calming elixir. Her love makes me regret waiting so long to make her mine. We’ll make up for lost time. I insist on it.