“Mike, maybe she’s right. Vinnie told me bratva was expanding. Maybe they’re in Rye.” Carlo’s voice shakes as he tries to convince Mike that they’re on someone’s hit list. He calls off names, hoping they can agree that one of them might have set them up.
“I still think she’s lying.” Mike has barely finished his sentence when a loud bang breaks through their chatter. The car tailspins off the road and skids into the grass before crashing into someone's Halloween display. My door flies open, and a pair of inked hands reach in to pull me from the car.
It’s Vasily.
With a panic-stricken expression, he hauls me over his shoulder and runs through drizzling rain. An idling car awaits us nearby.
Am I being kidnapped again?
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” I twist her right to left, lift her legs, and search her hair for any signs of injury on her head. I’m a fucking mess. Lev alerted me about the men who arrived at her apartment an hour ago and whisked her away just before dawn. They were Dante’s men, two low-level hit men from Newark trying to work their way up the ranks.
Scarlett pushes my hand away from her knee and glowers, her eyes filled with unshed tears. “I’m fine. Just please take me home. Those men were acting on my father’s orders. He found out about you, and he’s afraid our friendship or whatever this is will mess with the election. Please, take me home. You won’t have to deal with me again.”
I stare dumbstruck, fixated on her pouty, quivering lip. I don’t understand what’s happening. Last night felt perfect. We watched the skyline and talked for hours. She gave me the best blow job of my life and let me eat her out on the way home. What the fuck happened since then?
“Friendship? Why would you say that?” I growl, pissed that she’s demoted me so soon. “We’re more than friends.” For the first time in my shitty life, I’ve found someone that soothes my demons and makes me want to be a better person. I may not be worthy of her, but that will change. There’s no way to change my past. I would if I could. But I can be a good husband and father. For her and with her, I can do anything.
Scarlett turns her head and stares at the road, lost in thought or unable to speak.
My heart sinks when I catch her reflection in the glass and see two long tears cascading down her cheekbones. What the fuck did I do to hurt her? I’ve tried to be so good, but I’ve never loved anyone before. Chances are, I fucked something up.
“Baby,” I whisper, my voice struggling to remain steady. My clenched throat makes it difficult to breathe or speak, but I need to know what I did wrong.
“Don’t call me baby. I’m not your baby,” she cries, wiping her tears as she stares daggers into my heart.
Sadness devours my soul, and the confidence I carry on my sleeve, the badge I had to carve out of spent bullets, slowly disintegrates. This isn’t who I am. I’m Vasily fucking Volkov, the menace of Brooklyn, everyone’s worst nightmare. How has this tiny girl broken me so fast? Why has she made me forget I always get what I want. And there’s nothing I want more than her.
Scarlett’s wide blue eyes catch the light of the rising sun and take my breath away. There’s no way I’m letting her leave without me. And her father knows? Good. It saves me the trouble of beating him for his blessing.
“I would have told you it was useless if you’d been honest with me. You didn’t have to trick me and make a fool of me in front of my family.” She bows her head and drops her gaze, unwilling to look me in the eyes.
Scarlett thinks I tricked her? Bullshit.
Angry at the world, but never at her, I grab both sides of her waist and bring her into my lap. “What the hell are you talking about? I would never trick you, Little Red. You’re my girl. You come before everything else in my life. What would you help me with? The only thing I need from you is you. All of you. Every day. For the rest of our lives. Does that seem like too much to ask?”
Scarlett nods, then shakes her head vigorously. “You don’t have to keep it up, Vas. I know you only wanted to sway my father to your side. He’s too afraid of the Sicilians to ever change loyalties. Please, stop lying. Dante spoke to your father, and he said it was true.” She attempts to slide off my lap, but I hold her firm, furious with my father and myself for ever using that bullshit excuse.
“It’s not true.” Those are the only words I can say. “It’s not true. It’s not true.” My voice cracks, but I keep on going. “It’s not true, baby. I told my father that because I didn’t want him to discourage me from chasing you. But it’s not true. I don’t give a fuck about your father. It was never about your father. You’ve always been the prize.” I stop talking long enough to gauge her expression. Scarlett looks angry, but the softness of her gaze makes me believe she’s listening.
“I don’t believe you,” she whispers unconvincingly. She wants to believe me, but fear is holding her back.
“You’re the prize, Scarlett. I lied when I said I’ve only watched you for months. I’ve been watching you for years! I started watching you when you were still attending Columbia. I watch you almost daily, waiting patiently for our chance. There were so many times I wanted to approach you and introduce myself, but I lost my nerve. If you couldn’t see me, you couldn’t reject me, and I could still pretend we were meant to be,” I raise the volume of my voice, hoping I can convince her of the depths of my obsession.
“Liar!” Scarlett pouts, her plump lip tucked between her teeth to keep it steady.
I bring my lips to hers and swallow her tiny whimper. “I promise I did. You used to eat lunch—a turkey Reuben—at Meyer’s Deli every Monday. On Wednesdays, you studied at the university library. You spent Sundays with your stepmother and rarely took off a horrible pair of faded denim overalls that did nothing to show off your figure. They used to drive me crazy.”
“I loved those overalls. I still have them.” She stares, confused, then drops her shoulders with relief. “We’re not compatible, Vas. I liked you and got caught up in the moment. I know I should be horrified that you stalked me in college, but it’s nice knowing someone paid attention to me. I think I got swept up with you because I haven’t had a man’s attention in so long. I’ll get over it.”
Annoyed with her stubbornness and overwhelmed with the fear of losing her, I place her beside me, spread her legs, and corner her. I brush the back of my hand along her cheekbone and trace the freckles across her nose. I lick down her jawline and growl in her ear, “You didn’t need another man’s attention. I made sure of it.”
“What?” Her lashes flutter as her brain tries to comprehend my words. “What do you mean?”
My lips caress hers, licking, nibbling, and savoring the taste of her breath. She returns it, swiping her tongue along my bottom lip before deepening our kiss. My heart somersaults in my chest. My soul awakens with the sound of her moans vibrating into my skin.
“I kept the boys away. I’m sorry, my love. I couldn’t stand the thought of them touching you.”