Page 58 of Romeo

He chuckled. “Yeah. For both of us.”

“Okay, it’s not a competition on whose past is worse.”

She eased away from him and made a face.

He kissed her. “Mine, definitely.”

“Hello, I was a spy. You were just a thug.”

He scooped her up into his arms and she let out a squeak of surprise. As her arms came around his neck and she rested her head on his shoulder, he said, “I think we’re two peas in a pod, Ashley.”

“A dysfunctional pod.”


He carried her back to the bedroom and set her gently on the bed, rising up and gazing at her, drinking in her features.

“Don’t mark me,” she whispered. “But feel free to make me scream your name.”

He chuckled darkly, his tiger hovering just under the surface. Now that he wasn’t pissed because she’d effectively pulled him from that anger with her sensible words, he could think more clearly. “I will definitely make you scream my name. And I promise I’ll only mark you when we’re both ready. For now? Take your pants off.”

He moved off the bed and stripped, the shirt ripping a little at the seams as he hurried to pull it off.

“Whatever my sweet tiger wants.”


The following night, as they sat across each other over dinner at an Italian restaurant on their first official date, Ashley declared she wanted to call her parents.

“Of course, sweetheart. What made you want to call them tonight?”

“I don’t know, it just seems like the right time. I feel this ache in my heart because I want to know why they didn’t tell me everything about myself and Kerry and her death. I need to know everything.”

He signaled for the check. “Let’s get home then.”

She smiled. “I love that you call it home. For both of us.”

“What’s mine is yours, sweetheart. Didn’t I tell you that?”

Her eyes got a little darker and the sweet scent of her arousal hit him. “You did, I just appreciate it.”

It was nearly nine by the time they got home from dinner. She sent a text from his phone and asked her parents if they could video chat, including a video app link.

She sat beside him on the couch, watching the laptop screen and hoping they’d log into the app.

“What if they changed their mind?” she asked.

“They said they wanted to talk,” he assured her.

“It’s been almost ten minutes since they said that though.”

He was about to suggest she send another text when a popup on the screen announced a call was coming in.

“Oh!” Ashley said, pressing the button.

A couple appeared on the screen, looking to be in their mid-fifties.

“Hi,” Ashley said.