Page 56 of Romeo

Long-life: Yes. Subject’s age is approximately eighteen plus ten.

Shifting ability: No. May have enhanced speed and strength, claws and fangs, in times of stress or high emotion. If mating with a human, unlikely to have children able to shift. If mating with a full-blooded shifter, children may be able to shift, depending on genetic makeup.

She staredat the screen until the words blurred from the tears that filled her eyes.

“Romeo,” she said thickly.

He took the phone, set it on the couch, and then wrapped both arms around her.

She couldn’t articulate what was going on inside her, a mixture of relief and anguish. She got to have Romeo for a really long time, but she’d been denied a large part of her biological history because her parents hadn’t told her the truth.

She sobbed in his arms, not just happiness for finding out the full truth of her genetics but also the emotional toll of being abducted by people she’d worked with and nearly killed.

Romeo held her while all her emotions poured out of her until the last tear fell and her shudders had ceased.

She sighed deeply and leaned back. Romeo brushed the tears from her cheeks and kissed her.

“How do you feel?”

“Better knowing the truth. I don’t know how I feel about my parents though. I don’t think either of them is a wolf.”

“Do you want to call them?”

“I do, but not yet. I’d like to…”


“Celebrate the fact that you and I get to be with each other for a really,reallylong time.”

He snarled softly, his eyes going amber and the sweet, spicy scent of him surrounding her.

“You have the best ideas, sweetheart.”


Romeo had never really felt sated before, never really felt the bone-deep satisfaction that came from making love to his truemate and hearing her sweet cries of pleasure as they came together, again and again.

She was snuggled up against him, her eyes closed and her breath fanning his chest. She was exhausted, and he wanted to let her rest as long as she needed. Midas and Maya would wait. They were busy preparing the ambush anyway.

He truly wondered if Brent would come after them again. Ashley knew everything about Brent’s organization, and while they didn’t know where he was right now, she knew his tricks and patterns. She had told Midas and the others earlier that she was confident he’d go to ground and make a new plan of attack, attempting to lull the groups into a false sense of security.

Well, the tigers would be prepared no matter when he came after them, if he did. And the other groups in the area would be prepared too. Midas had ensured everyone knew what was going on with Humans Against Shifters so they could be ready too.

He closed his eyes as his tiger purred, thankful they were both safe and together.

They certainly had been through the wringer and deserved some rest.

* * *

Later that day,after some much needed rest, Romeo and Ashley returned to Midas and Maya’s house. The elders had gone, the protectors were on patrol, and the ambush had been alerted to what had occurred with the anti-shifter group. The safety of the ambush was paramount, so vigilance was important. Until the threat was gone for good, they’d all have to look out for each other.

They found the royal couple speaking quietly on the couch in the family room. Romeo and Ashley took a seat across from them on a matching loveseat.

Midas put his arm around his mate. “Thanks for coming back. We know that it’s tough to leave the house when you’re getting to know each other.”

“No problem,” Romeo said.

“And you’re both fully healed? You don’t need any magical help with that?” Maya asked.