Page 54 of Romeo

“Are we still going after the tigers?” Todd asked from the back seat.

Vengeance rode Brent hard. Ashley had caused untold damage to the organization by aligning with the tigers. He wanted to hurt her in any number of ways, but the tigers were clearly not the sort to go quietly into the night.

“I’m not sure. I have some thoughts about what I want to do, but I need time to think first. There’s also Midas’s mate. She’s clearly something special, magical. She had blue electricity coming from her hands.” He paused and thought about the loss of life. He didn’t actually care about the people he’d lost, they knew what they were getting into when they joined up with him. Taking out shifters was the only thing that mattered.

That Brent’s people had failed so miserably—and one of his own had defected—was going to take time to get over. If he ever did.

He’d make Ashley pay for what she did. Her and the rest of the tigers.

He needed a new tactic because there was no sense in making his people cannon fodder over and over.

“We’re going to lay low for a while and lull them into a false sense of security. And then we’ll strike.”

“Not the tigers?” Vance asked from the back.

“I think we’ll let the tigers rest easy for a while. We’ll shift gears and focus on the wolves.”

Adam the alpha and his woman, who was some kind of magical wolf. But Brentdidknow some magical people who would do what he wanted for a price.

Looking back at the two men with him, he said, “Send our new demolitions expert to Ashley’s place in LA and have them destroy it however they want.”

“A little going away present for the traitor,” Richard said with a grin.

“Absolutely,” Brent said. He’d deal with her at the right time. But for now, he had other things to focus on. A new headquarters, new vehicles and equipment, and bringing more of his people from LA to Cleveland.

The war against the shifters was just getting started.

* * *

Ashley toldher story to Midas, Maya, Cyrus, the elders, and a few other males. She was intimidated to be in their presence, but Romeo was right at her side and holding her hand tightly.

“The male Romeo killed at the end, the one who tried to get away with you?” Midas asked.


“Right. Who was he in the organization?”

“Brent’s right hand. He was really dangerous. He had a rap sheet a mile long before Brent took him into the group.”

There was a buzzing sound and Midas lifted his phone. “Your test results are back. You can log into the lab’s website.”

“What do they say?” she asked, her stomach tightening. What if she didn’t have long-life?

“You should read them first,” Midas said. “I didn’t open the link. Let’s all take a break. Romeo, you and Ashley go deal with the test results and come find me and Maya when you’re ready. Cyrus, let’s start plans for a new security protocol. Romeo can join us when he’s ready.”

The elders wished them well and left, and the rest of the tigers dispersed, leaving her and Romeo at the large kitchen table in Midas and Maya’s home.

“Want to go to our place?” Romeo asked.

“Do you think it’s bad news?” she asked, biting her bottom lip.

He gently extracted her lip from her teeth and gave her a quick kiss.

“Honestly, I don’t. But whatever the news is—good or bad or somewhere in between—we’ll deal with it.” He gave her a long look. “What are you worried about?”

“What if I’m not going to live as long as you? You’ll stay hot and sexy while I’ll shrivel up and die.”

He let out a low growl and the part of her that felt like a wolf responded.