Page 47 of Romeo

The video ended and Romeo’s knees buckled.

Midas grabbed the phone and snapped his fingers in front of his face. “You can have a nervous breakdown later, man. What did you see in the video? Let’s watch it again and look for clues as to where she is.”

“They gave us an address,” Maya said.

“We have to assume it’s a trap,” Midas said.

Romeo pushed down the murderous thoughts and the utter helplessness he felt right now, separated from his mate, and watched the video.

“What’s that?” he asked, pausing the video and pointing to what looked like a placard on the wall behind Ashley and nearly out of frame.

“It’s a sign for…shit, what’s the name of that old chicken processing plant? Something Brothers Poultry?” Midas said.

“Huron Brothers,” Melo said. “They’re in Lagrange.”

“That’s where she is,” Midas said. “Not Jefferson.”

Romeo took the phone from Midas and stared at the frozen image of his mate, face stricken with terror, eyes pleading for help. Was she okay right now? Was she unconscious from the fall?

Maya grabbed his free hand with both of hers. Blue electric lines covered her hands and his skin prickled.

“Ashwan, fortel, ahn ahn, sooth,”she whispered.

His vision went black and he nearly roared in panic, but then he saw Ashley alone in that room, crying softly. She got blurry as he was pulled away from her until he stood at the front of a building with a condemned sign. The lettering of the business logo had mostly fallen off, but the outline of the chicken and the words Huron Brothers Poultry were visible.

He snapped back to reality a moment later and nearly barfed at the intense pain in his head.

“Sorry, I know that sucks,” Maya said, patting his hand and releasing him. “What did you see?”

“Huron Brothers Poultry. Let’s go.”

* * *

Ashley’s earsrang and she thought she might throw up as the chair was righted and her vision swam.

Her head lolled to the side, hurting too much for her to even lift it. Her hands were going numb from the ropes that bound her to the chair, and her whole body felt like it had come unhinged from getting knocked to the floor.

Buck squatted in front of her. His body reeked, his yellow teeth showing as he smiled darkly. “Anyone who shows up to that address will be killed. But I’m certain your boyfriend will see the sign we made sure was visible, and they’ll come here. Where we’ll be waiting to send them to whatever afterlife beasts go to.” He touched her chin, sending a chill of terror through her. “Then you’ll die too, but not before we have our fun. You can think about that while we finish getting ready for the tigers.” He stood and snorted, then walked away.

She wanted to cry and scream for help, but she knew that was useless. Romeo would be walking into a trap one way or another, and she needed to figure out a way to get free. No matter what happened, she wouldn’t go down without a fight.

Something inside her let out a growl, and she could feel it in her chest.

Her wolf! She was half wolf, right? If what Romeo had told her was true, and she honestly believed it was.

Closing her eyes, she focused on the wild, feral part of her.

In her mind’s eye, she saw a wolf. Small and pretty, with white feet and amber eyes.

I need you. Help me help Romeo.

The wolf nodded, letting out a low growl that made Ashley’s skin prickle. She felt something fill her, a wildness that hadn’t ever been part of her before. Or maybe it had always been there, but she’d never known what it was.

It was ancient and free. Wild and full of life.

It was the wolf, and it was part of her.

Somewhere outside of the room, people were planning to kill her mate and his people. She wasn’t going to let that happen.