Romeo hugged her again and she rested in his embrace. She needed time to think and she needed answers, but right now, she just wanted to be with him. It was tempting to try to push all she’d learned away and deal with it at another point in time, but she knew if she didn’t deal with it head-on now, she never would. Then she’d be some kind of ticking time bomb of distress that would explode all over Romeo.
“I don’t want to talk to my parents.” Her voice was muffled against his shirt. “I want to get a lab test. Even though something deep inside me is telling me that Iamhalf wolf. I just…” She let the sentence hang unfinished.
“You wonder why you never felt your wolf before?”
He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t know, sweetheart. It’s possible that you just needed to be around your truemate in order for the part of you that’s wolf to come alive.”
“I feel like my wolf should hate me for what I’ve done.”
“Trust me, my past is not great either, and I’ve often wondered that exact same thing. But your wolf is part of you, an extension of you and she wouldn’t hate you. You’re part of each other, whether you can shift or not.”
She sighed and closed her eyes.
She was brutally exhausted.
Not just from the great sex earlier, because that was amazing and she wanted to go for another round right away, but also because she hadn’t been sleeping well since she got to Cleveland.
“Do you think my wolf knew that you were near? I haven’t really felt right since I got to town.”
“Probably. I’ve been feeling off myself, and I suspect it started when you got here.”
She smiled and snuggled a little closer.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I want to get the blood test, and then we need to really talk about Humans Against Shifters. Because Brent is expecting me back at some point, and he might come looking for me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, especially you.”
“I know. Let me make some calls. Don’t worry about Brent. He won’t be able to get to you.”
“Or you?” She lifted her head and looked at him.
“Or me.” He kissed her and then leaned over, grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
She listened as he made a call, but her mind wandered quickly. She was going to need to confess everything she’d done to the people in the ambush and figure out how to get Brent out of Ohio. It wouldn’t be easy because he was determined to take out the shifters who called Cleveland home, starting with the tigers.
“Midas is coming back from his honeymoon early.” Romeo put the phone on his knee and rubbed his eyes.
“I don’t want to interfere with his time off. Couldn’t I just talk to him on the phone?”
He shook his head. “It’s not just that he wants to talk to you personally, it’s that we need to be on alert for an attack, and the king being out of town, even with a wiccan mate, is not safe.”
She grimaced. “I’ve caused so much trouble.”
“Hey,” he said with a soft growl. “You’re mine, troubles and all. We need to keep everyone safe, and the best way to do that is to have all the facts and have everyone close. I need to call Cyrus, he works for the vampires.”
“I saw him in the dossier.”
“Yes! I have a folder with all Brent knows about the ambush, from Midas to you to any of the tigers he could identify. It’s at the rental house.” She rose to her feet. “Let’s go get it!”