Page 11 of Romeo

Cyrus strode up with a short growl. “What the ever-loving hell is going on? Midas sent me to check on you.” He looked around, his brows rising. “We’re near the damn edge of the territory, is there danger?”

Romeo explained what had happened, from discovering his mate hiding in the woods to her escape, thanks to his tiger’s inability to allow another male to touch her.

Well, he was going to fucking stand by that. No way another maleevertouched her, period.

Cyrus stared at him in shocked silence for a long moment, then said, “Are you kidding me?”

“Which part?” Romeo asked.

“You found a female spying on our people and your first thought wasyay, she’s my truemate?”

“I think any male who just found his mate would’ve reacted the same way.”

“But you let her get away and you don’t even know what her damn name is.”

“I’m aware.” Romeo scrubbed a hand through his hair and let out a growl. He was pissed beyond measure. How was he going to find her if he didn’t have anything to go on, not a name or even her natural scent? All he knew was that she had chestnut hair. That was hardly anything to go on.

Cyrus lifted his phone from his pocket and said, “I’m going to send the patrols to cover the perimeter of the territory, but without a scent to guide them, I’d wager she’s long gone. We can check the security cameras.” He spoke into his phone with a low voice.

The cameras were a good thing to check out. The ambush had motion cameras around the territory, and he might be able to track her. He had a feeling, though, since she’d gotten so close to Midas’s home without triggering a single security device, that she could get away without doing the same. If she’d gotten caught by a motion camera, he would have been alerted, as would every other member of the security team.

Not to mention that once she left the territory, he wouldn’t have any ability to track her. There were too many variables: which direction, what kind of vehicle, if other people were with her.

How the hell had he let her get away?

“Let’s get back and talk to Midas,” Cyrus said.

“It’s his mating night,” Romeo pointed out.

“Yeah, but he’s the king and he needs a report, so let’s get to it. Maybe if we can find her on a camera, we can run her face through the database to see if she pops up on anything with a name or address,” Cyrus said.

Romeo let that little bit of hope lift his spirits. He didn’t want to get his hopes up too high, because his mate was a female with secrets, that was for damn sure. Masked scent, dark clothing, binoculars…she’d been spying on them, and he was very sure it wasn’t because she was writing an article about tigers.

He’d ferret out all her secrets, he just had to find her first.

* * *

Romeo stoodin front of Midas and his mate Maya in the kitchen of their home, feeling like a wayward child. He was a protector, for Hades’ sake. He’d spent the better part of his life learning how to track and protect, and he’d allowed his personal feelings for the female—however new they were—to cloud his judgment. He should have immediately brought her to Midas’s home and ensured she couldn’t get away. He should have diligently done his duty as the king and queen’s prime protector, but instead he’d acted like a fool and shown his whole ass tackling Lance and letting her escape.

The elders sat around the large kitchen table with Midas and Maya at the head, every disapproving gaze on Romeo.

Midas drummed his fingers on the table, the sound echoing in the silence of the kitchen.

“So you let her go,” Midas said. A statement, not a question.

“Not intentionally.”

“Still, here we are,” Midas said. “A strange female was watching our ceremony and when you had her in your custody, you let her not only get away, but when she was caught by another security team member, you tackled that male and allowed her to get away once more. Correct?”


“Well, you’re an idiot.”

Romeo’s brows rose.

Maya giggled and then coughed to cover the sound.

“You are,” Midas said. “You let your feelings cloud your judgment, and now you can’t even search for her online because you don’t know her name.”