Page 36 of Romeo

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He held his mate close,his chest heaving as she breathed hard. She tilted her head more and exposed the length of her throat to him. His fangs throbbed in his gums, his tiger roaring in his mind to mark her, but he didn’t.

It was hands-down the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life. He kissed her neck and whispered, “You’re amazing, sweetheart.”

“You’reamazing,” she said, her voice hoarse from screaming her pleasure.

The verymalepart of him was preening like a peacock, thrilled she was so sated and happy, although a large part of him—mainly the tiger—was furious that he hadn’t marked her.

He kissed the juncture of her neck and shoulder and eased to the bed with her, curling around her and holding her close.

She snuggled into his arms and brought his fingers to her lips, kissing each one before drawing his hand under her head.

“I could stay like this forever,” she said.

“Me too.”

But he couldn’t relax, even though he was possibly the most physically relaxed he’d ever been in his entire life. Here was his mate, beautiful and sweet, and the scent of their combined pleasure was heavy in the air. And he couldn’t rest in the knowledge that she was his because of what he now knew of her history. And the fact she’d kept some truth of what she was from him.

He had to tell her everything, and she had to tell him everything too.

She’d said she had something to confess, which told him she’d decided to tell the truth in its entirety before she took things down a very sexy road.

His arms tightened around her involuntarily as he thought about what she might tell him, but he decided he didn’t actually care. Her past was her past, and no matter the reasons that had brought her to Whisper Creek, he was damn happy to have her in his arms now.

Their lives could start right now, with his marks in her neck and their lives forever intertwined.

“I thought you’d bite me,” she said, her fingers making aimless patterns on his forearm.

What the hell was he going to say?Sorry, I don’t mark liars.

He mentally grimaced.

Instead, he kissed her shoulder and sighed. “We need to talk.”

She sighed, echoing him. “I know. I’m really loving the afterglow though.”

He chuckled. “Me too.”

She rolled to face him, her eyes dark with worry. “I don’t want you to hate me.”

He kissed her, his heart breaking at the light scent of her fear. “I promise I won’t. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together. I have something to tell you, too, but you can go first if you want.”

“I didn’t come to Whisper Creek for the reason I said.”


Brent stepped outside of the temporary headquarters and zipped his coat, shoving his hands in his pockets. A man walked by, one of the group members who was part of security and nodded at him. Brent returned the nod, watching until the man was around the corner of the building before he walked toward his truck.

His phone buzzed as he reached the vehicle and he paused, pulling his phone out and answering.


“It’s Stew.”

He hummed and unlocked the truck. Behind him, Buck jogged to catch up.

“What have you found?”