Page 19 of Dearly Betrayed


I’m absolutely livid. So mad I can barely think. No, it’s not because of the kiss, definitely not because of that incredible, knee-shaking, world-changing kiss. No, I didn’t like it, I definitely didn’t want another taste, no, I’m mad because that was bullshit, that’s the reason I’m so pissed off. I’m not dizzy and flushed with desire and dripping freaking wet, my nipples so hard I could scream, and not because of that damn stupid kiss.

The kiss I told him wouldn’t happen.

The kiss he stole from me.

God damn him, the kiss that tasted like heaven, and hell, and left a hint of something better to come on my lips.

I’m pissed beyond reason as we’re whisked away.

“Let’s get you dropped off,” Isabel says, her arm around my shoulders. “I’m thinking you’ll need time to get acclimated, right?”

“Sure, yes. Uh, what do you mean?”

“Well, there’s no reception. Adler and your brother are going to disappear into some smoke room, drink lots of brown liquor, measure dicks, sign papers, and finish up the deal. Meanwhile, you have to move in.”

“Move in, right.” I clear my throat, trying to push the memory of that kiss from my head, but it’s impossible. “I live here now.”

“Exactly. I know it’s not ideal, but you’ll like it eventually.”

“Do you live here?”

She shakes her head. “Conlan and I are out in California. Erick and Hellie are in Vegas. Casey’s here, so you’ll see plenty of her.”

That eases me a bit. I’d rather Isabel and Hellie both stick around, but I like Casey, and at least one of them will be here. “Alright, good to know.”

“We make plenty of trips and visits though, so don’t worry, we’ll see plenty of each other.”

I notice stares as we walk through the casino towards the private elevator. Isabel tells me all about the place, how we’ve all got our own condos at the top of the best tower, and there’s only one guarded way to reach them. “Anything you want will be provided, just ask Jayson.” She hesitates as we start the ascent to my new life. “Actually, ask one of the staff members, they’ll probably be more helpful.”

“Clothes?” I ask.

“Ah, yeah, your brother had them sent over and whatever you had packed is already up there.”

“I’ll need more stuff. I brought enough for about a week or so.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll have your own credit card and plenty of money.”

“Great. Lovely.” I lean my head back against the mirrored wall. I can still taste him, Jayson my husband, kissing my lips. “I’m married now.”

“I know.” Isabel speaks quietly and her hand touches mine. “I got you out of there as soon as I could.”

I look at her with surprise. I figured she was just doing her job, removing the problem, but now I understand better. She was trying to help me.

“Thank you. It was overwhelming.” I try to smile and find it’s not bad. Isabel smiles back.

“I know. Marrying a Costa brother is never normal. Hellie was Erick’s captive. He made her paint forgeries.”

My smile disappears. “Excuse me?”

“I was Conlan’s assistant until he hired me to be his wife. Then he stalked me for a while.” She sighs and puts her hands on either cheek. “Sometimes I make him follow me around, you know, just to roleplay the good old days.”

I stare at her, trying to decide if she’s joking or not. This girl is actually mad, they’re all absolutely bonkers. But the weirdest part is, they all seem happy enough, with their little families and their adoring psychopath gangster husbands, and now I’m a part of them too.

My story is as strange and twisted as theirs.

Worse even, at least to me.