Page 117 of For the Gods' Sake

Adrian took a step back with me still held under his hand. A step further towards his bed. “Good girl,” he said and the words hit me right in the stomach, pooling like rich whiskey.

“You don’t get to leave me,” I said, bringing my hand up to grip the wrist he had pressed into the hollow of my collarbones.

Adrian breathed in deep, his nostrils flaring slightly with restraint. “Why?” The word was more of a bite than anything.

And then I confessed to the truth. “Because you’remine.”

Chapter 30


She broke me.

I never really had any control around her. But this was worse.

She broke my will, my conviction, and my control all in the same breath. Then rebuilt it all in her image.

I knew it wasn’t right. Knew that I should let her go and make her run as far away from me as possible, far enough to save herself from any danger.

But Fates forgive me, I didn’t care.

Because she said I was hers. That wasn’t shocking. I’d accepted that part already. But with that came the full-body, world-destroying realization that she wasmine.Forever.

There would be none of thatstaring at her across the room while someone flirted with herbullshit she made me picture when I tried to do the right thing.

I’d sooner shoot a lightning bolt into my dick.

There wasnoworld in which she got away from me. And I was going to prove it to her. Make her admit ituntil she was as deep into this as I was.

“Turn around,” I said darkly, barley even recognizing my own voice.

Reyna blinked quickly, her long, thick lashes fluttering prettily over her amber brown eyes. “What?”

Itsked once, then squeezed lightly on the side of her throat. “Don’t act shocked now, Reyna. You know what you did.”

Reyna’s breathing was quicker, her breasts scraping my shirt through hers. One of those scraps of fabric had to go. Preferably both. “Turn. Around.”

Reyna looked stunned for half a second, shocked at the rapid change in conversation. But then she listened, taking the space I gave her when I loosened my grip on her throat and turning slowly to face the bed.

I brushed her hair over her shoulder, revealing the delicate curve of her neck. I moved my hand up to the apex of her spine, pressing my thumb into the soft skin behind her ear to tilt her head to the side. I bent down, skating my lips over the shell of her ear. “I’m yours, huh?”

A sound of assent rumbled through her throat and the heat in my limbs kicked up a notch.

Fuck, I needed to get it together. But any hope for control I had was lost the second she looked up at me with pleading eyes and refused to let me end this.

“You’re right,” I said, moving my lips down to drag over her neck and across her shoulder. “Except you forgot one thing.”

“What?” Reyna breathed, right as my fingers trailed down her spine and over the soft fabric of her dress to find the tie at the back.

“You. Are. Mine.” I punctuated each word with a kissover her shoulder, buying me enough time to untie her dress, letting the warm, ribbed fabric loosen around her midsection.

My hand came around her ribs, splaying flat on her stomach as I pulled her against me. “But you seem to have forgotten that.”

Reyna twisted to look at me, her head falling back on my shoulder while she sought out my eyes. Her own were thick with lust, darkening the brown to a deeper, richer color. “Do you not remember the conversation wejusthad?”

She was still livid. And Fates help me, that was fucking hot.

“I seem to remember you trying to break up with me barely four hours ago.” Reyna’s mouth clamped shut. “We’re going to have to do something about that.”