He’d changed his will.
I, Lorenzo Romulus, agree to pass on ownership and control of all Romulus businesses to Reyna Emilia Romulusupon my retirement or death. No conditions of heirship apply.
The business was mine to do whatever I wanted with.
Another deep sigh made me rip my eyes from the paper and stare at my father with a slack jaw. “Why?” I croaked out. Even at the gala, he seemed like this conversation was going to be a tense one.
“Reyna, sweetheart,” he said, wincing like the words were painful. “I know I’ve been hard on you. And I know it doesn’t make it any better to say that it’s because I believed in you. You are so smart. So forward thinking. Admittedly, I have a bit of a problem letting go of my desire to control every aspect of this business. But…”
In his hesitation, I knew I’d get one of those rare moments of vulnerability that he kept so locked down. “I worked so hard to not disappoint my mother. And that came out in growing the business and profit as much as I could. Doing what I could to supportthisfamily. But you’re right. Everything you asked for would only make us better.”
I didn’t even know what to say. “What changed your mind?”
My father rubbed his hands together, twisting his weathered gold wedding ring around his finger. “I’ve been thinking about it for years. Your mother has known and has been pestering me to just make the decision for equally as long. But my pride has won out for too long.”
He looked away from me, out the window to the sprawling vineyards and rolling Roman hills. “Having to sit by and watch thatfuckertry to embarrass you in front of half of Rome broke my heart.” It took a secondfor me to realize what he was talking about. To set aside the fact that I thought my father was about to cry.
“Dad…” I said carefully, taking a step closer “Do you mean Damon?”
He turned back to me, emotion all over his face. “He’s wrong. If Ievermade you feel like what you went through—what yougothrough—was difficult to handle, I am so sorry. Your mother and I have only ever wanted you to be happy. Yes, it’s difficult as a parent to see your child suffer and know you can’t solve it with the snap of your fingers. But you arenottoo difficult to deal with. You do not have too many problems. If Jupiter—Adrian—hadn’t flattened the kid, I would have killed him for that.”
Now I was holding back tears. I’d spent so many years thinking I made my parent’s life harder because of something I couldn’t control. “I never wanted to burden you.”
“Reyna,” my dad said, sounding like he was in pain. “You’re my daughter. You will never be a burden. And you are beyond capable of leading this company.”
“So you’re doing this to shove it down Damon’s throat?” I asked, still not quite believing what was happening.
“That and for anyone who silently agreed with him.” He broke off with a scoff. “No, despite my friendship with his father that idiot is never allowed near you or our house ever again. I’m doing this because you deserve it.”
“Thank you,” I said, the word breaking off on a cry as I stepped into my father’s arms and hugged him tight. I pulled back some time later, feeling at least part of the stress that had wracked my life for the last few daysfade.
Now I just have to deal with someone trying to kill the man I lo—my boyfriend, I thought sardonically.
Either by chance or parental instincts, my father pulled back to look at me and said, “I like that Adrian of yours.”
“Dad,” I said on a laugh. “That’s quite a change.”
He shook his head. “I’ll admit that was hard at first for a man of my age to take a pretty boy like that seriously as a ruler, but he’s grown into those suits.”
I would definitely be trying to find younger photos of Adrian to corroborate that story. Even when I was younger, he’d always seemed so perfect.
“And besides,” my dad continued. “I can see that he treats you quite well. You seem happy.” My father’s eyes narrowed on my face, finding what I had clearly failed to hide all night. “Whatever it is you two are dealing with right now can be fixed, I’m sure.”
I didn’t know if it could. But instead I asked, “And what if he’s another asshole like Damon?”
My father barked a laugh. “I doubt anasshole like Damonwould have reacted like Adrian did when someone tried to offend you. But if he hurts you, I will happily kill him.”
“Not if I get to him first,” I said, another genuine smile breaking on my lips. After a moment, I added. “Thank you, Dad.”
He wrapped me in another comforting, fatherly hug. “Anything for my little girl.”
I let out a short breath of laughter. “I’m twenty-five, Dad.”
He winced dramatically. “Don’t remind me. That makes me think of how old I’m getting.”
My father had just crossed sixty. He was nowhere near elderly, but I laughed regardless. And then together we went in search of my mother and Adrian, laughing along the way about the state we’d find them in.
And silently, I hoped that Adrian hadn’t charmed my mother too thoroughly. Not when we only had tonight left.