Page 60 of Vengeful

"Then do it for her," I said. "We can see this through to the end." I wasn't going to waste time feeling bad. Not yet. I'd leave that for after the trials were over. I could get angry or unravel then. Maybe both. Someone deserved a punch in the cock for this.

Ronnie nodded and gripped my arm as we continued north.

The tall, unkempt grass gradually gave way to thicker trees and a downward slope. The going here was slower. Partly due to the terrain and partly due to an overabundance of caution. If there was such a thing.

If I was going to set another trap, or challenge, I'd do it here. Which may well be a reason there wasn't one here. If all of the Brantley brothers had something in common, it was the enjoyment of a good mind fuck. Letting us assume we hadsomething to look out for, would give them something to laugh about.


"Keep an eye out for concealed pits," I said. Staying away from the trees as much as we could meant having to step on potentially dangerous ground.

"How will we know they're there if they're concealed?" Ronnie asked.

I stopped for a moment to scoop up a long stick off the ground. "With this." I placed it on the ground in front of me and let it scratch a path for us to walk. If the thick leaf matter concealed anything, the stick would fall in first.

In theory.

"You know what I'm doing after this?" Ronnie said.

"Getting drunk?" I suggested. That was high on my list of things to do afterward.

"Before that. My boyfriend said he'd propose after the trials. He has something amazing planned for tonight. I know whatever it is, it will be amazing. He's really sweet. He's the most romantic guy I ever met."

"Congratulations," I said. "He sounds like a good guy."

"He is," she said. "He's the best. I—"

I sensed she wasn't following me anymore.

I turned back around slowly. She was lying on the wet leaves with her throat sliced open.



I dropped down to the base of a tree and scanned the area. How the hell had someone crept up behind us without either of us knowing? Unless…

Slade appeared from between some of the trees and glanced down at Ronnie's body in surprise.

That ruled him out then. I couldn't have thought up a single reason why he'd kill her anyway. That didn't mean he didn't have them. Slade was a mystery to me at times. I suspected he always would be.

He trotted forward until he saw me crouched down.

"Thank fuck. Did you see anything?" He took my hands and pulled me to my feet.

"Nothing," I said. "I'm guessing one of my fellow first years is an assassin. Any idea who?"

He frowned, but shook his head. "Not a clue. Whoever they are, they're good. Keep your eyes open."

"What do you think I'm doing?" I snapped. I regretted it immediately and sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't take it out on you. I hate being taken by surprise."

"Me too, little fox. Me too. Since it seems the rules have gone out the window, I'm staying with you. This whole thing is a shit show."

"You're telling me." I was glad to have him with me. Apparently my instincts weren't good enough. I'd need his too. "I should have told Ronnie to quit. She could have turned back."

"If someone was determined to kill her, they would have done it either way," he said. "We can't worry about that now. Let's keep going." In spite of his words, he looked regretful. If Ronnie had any enemies, which apparently she did, I was unaware of them.

I took a moment to give Ronnie's body a long last look before I nodded and let Slade lead me through the trees.