Page 51 of Vengeful



"Well, that's bullshit," Hunter said evenly. "We get attacked and suddenly we're the bad guys?"

"To be realistic, plenty of people thought of us as the bad guys before that," Parker pointed out. "They call us the evil twins. They don't do that for no reason."

"Yeah, but in this case, we're the victims," Hunter argued. "Caleb sent those pricks after us. But we're the ones getting penalised for it." He stalked the four or five steps from one end of the room to the other.

"I agree with Hunter," Lila said softly. "I was relying on all of you to be there. Without you, I don't know if I can…" She shook her head.

"Hey, babe." Parker scooted over and wrapped his arms around her. "Like Slade said, we'll find a way. Even if Frankie doesn't help us, we'll figure it out. They said they're sending transport for you, we'll just follow that bitch. The transport, not Frankie. She's not—"

"We know what you meant," I said. "Whatever Lila and I are in, you'll be right behind us."

"Yeah," Hunter agreed. "I'd like to see them try to stop us."

"No you wouldn't," I told him. "If they wanted to stop you, you'd be stopped. They could tie you down again."

"Fuck that," Hunter snarled. "The next person who tries that is getting a one-way trip to a mangled face."

"That won't help Lila," I pointed out.

"It would help me and my rage," Hunter snapped. "We haven't done all this work to end up being left behind and letting Lila down."

"Then we get ahead of them," Parker said simply.

His twin swung around to stare at him. "What are you talking about, bro?"

"They said they're not telling anyone where the trials are, but someone knows and has made a digital record of it," Parker reasoned.

"Fuck," Hunter spat. "Since when are you the rational twin?"

Parker grinned. "Since you're pacing around the room like a caged lion, losing your shit. Someone has to be cool, calm and collected."

"That's usually my role," I pointed out. "But Parker is right. The Academy isn't just going to pick the students up and take them to fuck knows where. They have to know where to tell the driver to go. They would have had to make all sorts of plans."

"Unless…" Lila said softly.

"Unless what, babe?" Parker asked gently.

"Unless they were offered a place," she concluded.

"Fuck." Hunter punched the wall. He left a neat, fist-sized hole in the plaster. "Owww, fucking hell." He shook out his wrist. "I'm going to pretend that was Caleb's face. That was why he didn't want us dead."

"I thought it was because he loves us," Parker said.

Hunter laughed bitterly. "It's because he and Reuben are fucking with us. Joshua too by the sound of it."

I shook my head. "What are you guys talking about?" I got the fucking around with us part. None of that surprised me for a moment. Whatever else the three of them were referring to, I was missing something.

"Caleb owns a piece of land out in the middle of nowhere," Hunter explained. "Probably more than one, but this is a specifically crappy one. One perfect for nefarious activities and killing people who will never be found."

"It’s where I was held with all those other women," Lila said softly. Her expression was haunted. She was clearly thinking back to those horrible days and nights. Her face paled. Her lips didn't tremble, but they were pressed in a tight line, making them white.

Like always, a pang of guilt went through me like a blade. A blunt, rusty one. Ishouldhave been able to prevent that. I’d never forgive myself for failing her the way I did. She forgave me, but I didn't forgive myself. I still beat myself up about it. Some day, I'd find a way to make it up to her.

"And where Hunter and I were chained up," Parker added. "If anyone is going to volunteer a location, that would be it."