"Cute brunette?" Hunter replied. "I remember you. You have huge tits."
I rolled my eyes and suppressed a laugh. "That's me. I was wondering what you're up to?"
"Just…lying around," he replied. "To be honest, I'm a little tied up right now. I'm having car trouble. You know how it is."
"I do know," I agreed. "If you're too busy to hang out with me, what about your brother? He's pretty cute."
"He's a little tied up too," Hunter replied. "You really think he's cute? I mean, he's okay, but I'm still better looking."
"Of course you are." I rolled my eyes. "How long do you think you'll be held up? I'd really like to get together again."
"So would I," he agreed. "I'm not sure how long, maybe…three hours? No longer than that. You could come on over then if you like. You'll be expected."
"I thought I might," I said. "I think I will head on over. I'll bring a friend. She's also a cute brunette." I quirked an eyebrow in Lila's direction.
"Don't tell my girlfriend, she's the jealous type," Hunter said. "She'd take one look at you and put a bullet in your brain."
"Not if I stick one in her first," I said, not meaning bullets.
"If you stick anything in my girlfriend, I might get jealous," Hunter said with a faint, high-pitched laugh.
"I thought you were into sharing?"
"Only with the right people," he replied. "If the wrong people try to touch her I tend to kill them."
"I can get behind that," I said. "I should let you go. I'll see you soon."
"I'm looking forward to it." The line went dead.
"Hunter and Parker are alive." I handed Parker's phone back to Lila. "There's three people with them and both of them are bound. The assholes are waiting for us near my SUV."
She nodded. "You were right, they left the satellite phone for us to find. It's probably attached to a landmine or something."
"That wouldn't surprise me one bit. It also wouldn't surprise me if they listened to that call. Assuming they did, they know what we know." I thought quickly. "We have to anticipate what they think we'll do."
"What would you usually do?" she asked.
"Usually I'd wait until it was fully dark and sneak around behind them," I said. "They'd be dead before they knew I was there."
"They won't expect us to attack them front on then," she reasoned.
"No, but if we do that, chances are they'll kill the twins the moment they see us."
I rubbed my pointer finger back and forth across my lower lip slowly. "We need a distraction. Something convincing."
"You don't know who any of them are?" she asked.
"Only Casper, and we took care of him," I replied. "Why?" She was getting at something, but I wasn't sure what it was.
"If you don't know them, then what are the chances they recognise you on sight?" she asked. "It seems to be me and the twins they were after."
"I can't be certain, but I'd say there's a reasonable chance they don't know my face," I said slowly.
"But they know mine," she said.
"No," I told her simply.
She looked back at me evenly. "Why not? You said we need a distraction."