I licked along his length, swirling my tongue around his skin, tasting his saltiness mixed with the sweet honey.
"Honey never tasted so good." I lapped it all up before closing my mouth over his length and sucking.
"Your mouth never felt so good," he told me. He rolled his hips, pressing his length deeper into my mouth. All the way to the back of my throat. "You have the best fucking mouth."
I smiled at him around my mouthful and went on sucking and licking. I ran the tips of my fingers and my fingernails over his balls lightly at first, then more firmly as they started to tense. He was already so close.
He thrust harder and harder, with even strokes and groans. "Yes,yes…" He ground into me hard and exploded in my mouth.His hot cum tasted of honey, or maybe it was the lingering flavour in my mouth. Either way, it was delicious. I slid my lips off his cock and swallowed.
"I think you can all agree, I get the most bonus points for creativity." He looked smug.
"Bullshit," Slade told him. "All of us would have done the same thing."
Hunter flipped him off. "Keep telling yourself that, if you like. We know the truth."
"The truth is, Slade is right, that's what I would have done too," Parker said.
"Whose side are you on?" Hunter asked.
"The side of truth apparently." Parker shrugged and grinned.
"It's my turn," I said. "Am I supposed to think up some inventive way to feed myself?" Without waiting for an answer, I reached for a card. I turned it to face me and read what was written on there in Hunter's handwriting.
"I can't help feeling somehow you managed to rig this." I raised an eyebrow at Hunter.
He grinned. "You saw me shuffle them. Read it out."
I rolled my eyes but read. "Have honey licked off your breasts."
"That would have been awkward if one of us got that," Parker remarked. He glanced down at his chest. "I seem to be missing mine."
"So is Felicity," Hunter teased. He grinned at Slade. "You know, that's how people get nicknames."
Slade looked unworried. "Why do you think I didn't say I was Boob McBigtits? Or Pussy O'Shea?"
"Touché." Parker chuckled. He raised his hands when we all glanced at him. "What? It rhymes. O'Shea. Touché."
"Yeah, we got it," Hunter told him. He turned back to Slade and grinned. "For the record, those would have been awesomenicknames. Don't tell me you don't want to be called Pussy O'Shea?"
Slade laughed. "No, but I'm happy to call you that, if you like. That might be a cooler name than Hunter."
"There is no cooler name than Hunter," Hunter said. "Hunter is the coolest name. Except maybe Lila."
"Thank you, but I think Pussy O'Shea is kinda cute." I picked up the bowl of honey and the spoon and held it out in front of me. "Who's going to do the honours?"
"I will," Parker said quickly. He took the bowl from my hand and waved for me to lie down.
Smiling in anticipation, I lay back and placed my hand on a pillow.
"You are so fucking beautiful," he told me before dipping the spoon into the bowl and scooping out some honey. He held the spoon over my breasts and let it trickle down slowly all around and over my nipples.
"Honey never looked so good." He trickled out another spoonful, then set the bowl and spoon aside. He knelt beside me and lightly ran his tongue over my skin, tasting me and the honey. "Fuck, it never tasted so good either. Everything tastes better when I eat it off you. I think, from now on, I'm going to put all of my food here and eat it like this."
"Not if it's hot or cold," I told him.
"I'll make sure it's just right," he assured me. He closed his lips around one of my nipples and sucked. "Mmm, so fucking good."
"I could take your word for it or I could…" Slade knelt on the other side of me and licked my other nipple. "Yeah, you're not wrong. This is perfection."