Page 42 of Vengeful

I glanced down at his muscular chest, then back up to his face. "I might have unravelled slightly. When I was down there, I mean. It was…scary."

He smiled tenderly. "Of course it was. I would have been shitting myself. Whoever dug that didn't make it to hold parties down there."

I cocked my head at him. "Big, bad Slade Lincoln? Scared of a pit?" I wasn't teasing, it was a perfectly rational fear.

He exhaled slowly, his breath brushing my temple. "I know, right? It's like I'm human or something. Do me a favour and don't tell anyone."

I smiled. "They wouldn't believe me anyway. I expect you to return the favour and don't tell anyone I'm only human." Although, tonight, I felt it acutely.

"If I did, I'd then be forced to take a hit out on myself," he said. "That could be awkward."

I laughed softly. "This conversation is very silly."

He grinned. "I think we need a bit of silliness, don't you?" He gripped my ass more firmly, picked me up and tucked my legs around his waist. "I can think of something else I need a bit of. You mentioned stiff cocks?" His certainly was. His erection pressed against the gusset of my panties, hard through his jeans.

I wound my arms around his neck and wriggled against him, making him harder still. "I did, as it happens. What are you proposing, sir?"

He carried me over to my bed and laid me down before starting to peel off my clothes. "I'm proposing orgasms. For both of us."

"I like this proposal." I lifted my ass off the mattress to let him slide my jeans off my legs and over my feet. My panties went next. My shirt and bra were close behind.

"Me too." He shed his shirt, tossing it carelessly onto the floor. "I like this view." His eyes raked up and down my naked body.

"I like my view." I could stare at his chiselled chest, abs and ridiculously muscular biceps all day. He was one of the hottest guys I ever saw. Hands down the hottest teacher at the Academy.

Everywhere he went, women watched him, trying to catch his attention. As far as I could tell, he was oblivious. He certainly wasn't interested. He better not be. If any other woman touched him, I'd be forced to kill them. Same with the twins.

Touch one of my guys and die.

"Even if I don't have big tits?" he joked.

I laughed. "I'm glad you don't. You're big in all therightplaces."

"My head?" he suggested, grinning.

I rolled my eyes and made a face at him. "Only the one on the end of your cock." I climbed to my knees and opened his jeans to let his erection pop free.

"See?" I ran the tip of my finger all the way around his engorged head and down the vein at the underside.

He looked down. "I do see. That is impressive, if I say so myself."

I laughed and slapped his ass. "You're such a brat, sir."

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you, missy," he teased.

He pulled off his boots and jeans and pushed me back against the mattress. With one hand, he grabbed my wrists and held them above my head while straddling my body. He supported most of his weight on his knees, careful not to put too much on me.

"What do you say now?" He ran his tongue from my collarbone to my chin.

"I still say you're the brat, sir," I said. A brat who was making the blood pump harder through my body, from my neck right down to my clit.

"Do I have to punish you, remind you who is in charge here?" He licked his way back down to my collarbone.

"I definitely need reminding," I agreed.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He leaned over the side of the bed and, with his free hand, tugged the belt out of the top of his jeans.

My eyes widened. A flutter of excitement passed through me. "What are you planning to do with that, sir?"