Page 7 of Daring

"Come on, let's go," Abigail urges, swinging open the driver's door.

"No, wait," Gretel pleads.

She watches Gretel rummage in her bag, reaching deep until she finds what she's looking for. Abigail leans in, intrigued, and is astonished when Gretel pulls out the most comprehensive multitool she's ever seen.

"Pol gave it to me for my birthday three years ago," she explains, pulling a tab to reveal a star screwdriver. "Can you believe it? What the hell did I need this for? According to him, it's handy to have around," she scoffs while crouching behind the car parked next to the one they intend to steal.

Abigail observes in bewilderment as, aided by the flashlight on her phone, Gretel removes the caps covering the screws on the license plate.

"I never thought I'd actually use it, but look at me," Gretel chuckles grimly. "I hope it still has his fingerprints. That way, if we get caught, we'll pin it on him too. Shine the light here, please."

Abigail, overwhelmed by her new friend's sudden criminal streak, complies, crouching beside her to illuminate while Gretel swiftly unscrews the plates. She repeats the process with the BMW, swapping the plates between the two cars.

"This way, if they report it, it'll be much harder for them to find us," she says, wiping her fingerprints off the plates with the fist of her sweater.

"Alright, we're good now."

Abigail takes the driver's seat, and Gretel sits beside her. Adjusting the seat and even the mirror, she starts the engine, rolls down the windows, and smoothly exits the parking lot, as if the car were truly theirs. As they merge onto the road, a couple of streets away, they start screaming hysterically.

The two of them feel exhilarated, more alive than ever. Abigail hits the gas, and the car responds with a screech of the tires.

"Take the exit there," Gretel requests, fanning herself with her sweater due to the thrill.

They merge onto the highway. Abigail turns on the radio, and Gretel keeps switching stations until she finds one playing a familiar Aerosmith song. Both of them belt out the lyrics at the top of their lungs, reveling in the pleasure of doing something wrong for the first time in their lives. Something forbidden, something with potential legal consequences. Despite that, they don't stop because both need this moment. They deserve it. And they'll regret it.

Chapter 4

"How did you come up with the license plate switch?" Abigail asks, genuinely curious.

"I've been tuning into a bunch of crime and mystery podcasts," replies, still incredulous about their impromptu adventure.

After a directionless drive, belting out favorite tunes until their voices grow hoarse, they decide it's time to stop and change the scenery.

"Now it's my turn to drive," Gretel declares, and Abigail takes the first detour they come across.

This leads them onto a secondary road that resembles a scene from a horror movie, but that doesn't dampen their enjoyment. They begin to fantasize about encountering the infamous ghost girl around the next curve, weaving tales of terror until they spot the flickering lights of a gas station up ahead.

"Thank goodness," Abigail sighs in relief, "I've been dying to use the restroom."

At the gas station, two other cars are refueling. Abigail glances at the gas gauge, noticing the tank is practically full. She parks in a shadowy, secluded area, ensuring no one associates them with the car.

Abigail grabs a tissue from her bag and discreetly relieves herself on the other side of the car. Returning, she settles into the driver's seat, realizing Gretel hasn't moved.

"Are you okay?" Abigail inquires, peering into the dimness.

"Yeah, it's just... I still can't believe it," Gretel laughs.

"Regretting it?"

"Nope, and I'm starting to sober up a bit. This is the most thrilling thing I've done in years. And you? Any regrets?"

Gretel tilts her head toward Abigail, an innocent yet sensual gesture that sends a shiver down the executive's spine.

"Not at all. I feel more alive than ever. I thought you wanted to drive," Abigail says, somewhat confused.

"Did you know I'm debuting a tantalizing lingerie set I bought to seduce my idiotic husband?" Gretel asks, half lost in thought, leaving Abigail even more perplexed.

"It's a shame no one will see it," she replies when Gretel locks eyes with her.