A knock at the door saved him from having to answer. A quick glance at his watch told him it was seven on the dot, and—oh crap!—he hadn’t told Carly.

She sat up straight. “Are you expecting anyone?” she asked in an undertone, as if she didn’t want whoever was outside to hear her and know someone was in the condo.

“Yeah, I am.” The knock sounded again. “I meant to tell you...but you’ll know soon enough.” He kissed her quickly, then went to answer the door.

Chapter 16

Carly stood nervously, buttoning her blazer and tugging down her black pencil skirt—which had somehow ridden up her thighs—as she wondered who this could be and why Shane hadn’t mentioned someone was coming over.

Male voices from the entryway—deep male voices that sounded impossibly alike—exchanged badinage and...laughter?

Before she was ready Shane was back with another man, a shade taller than he was but with the same broad shoulders, same narrow waist and hips. Only instead of the power suit Shane wore to perfection, this man was wearing faded jeans and an olive-green Henley, his shearling jacket hanging open. His light brown hair was shaggy, not the near-military cut Shane sported. But his dark brown eyes were familiar to her and she instantly knew who this was.

“You must be Niall Jones,” she said, moving forward and offering her right hand. “I’m Carly Edwards.”

The man’s hand enfolded hers with a firm handshake she also recognized. He glanced at Shane, who shook his head. “I meant to tell her, but ran out of time. She must have figured it out on her own.”

“Pleased to meet you, Ms. Edwards,” said the stranger who wasn’t a stranger. “But now I have to ask. How’d you know who I was?”

“It’s Carly, and you have Shane’s eyes.”

“Ahh.” He nodded, admiration evident. “You notice things, Carly, and you’re quick. I like that.”

She let a tiny smile escape. “I knew a guy in Afghanistan who said you were either quick or you were dead.”

A look of surprise flitted across his face for a second, then he said, “That’s right, you were an embedded reporter in Afghanistan, weren’t you?” He smiled, and Carly realized Niall and Shane shared another family trait—charm. He could charm the birds from the trees with that smile...or a woman’s clothes from her body. “I was there myself a million years ago,” Niall continued. “Shane, too.” He glanced at his brother, then returned his appreciative gaze—and killer smile—to Carly.

Shane moved to Carly’s side, sliding an arm around her waist, and she could have sworn he was staking a claim. “Yeah, that’s something we have in common,” he told Niall. The glint in his eyes and the way his chin lifted were dead giveaways she wasn’t mistaken—Shane was giving his brother a definite “hands off” warning.

If Carly had been a different kind of woman, she would have purred at the two very male animals facing off over her. As it was, she wanted to kick Shane. Kick Niall, too, for that matter. She wasn’t a prize to be won, and she had no intention of letting either of them think she was.

She moved away a little, enough so Shane’s arm fell from her waist, but her quelling expression informed Niall she was immune to his charm, too. “I have to thank you for letting us stay here,” she told Shane’s brother. She lifted a hand to encompass their surroundings. “You have an impressive home—for a fortress.”

The charming alpha male smile morphed into one a mischievous boy might use. “You’re welcome. I knew from the news coverage about the first attempt on Shane’s life, but he downplayed the danger. Then when I badgered him after the second attempt, he finally broke down and asked for my help, so I knew it had to be pretty serious—you might have noticed he has a slight tendency to think he can handle everything on his own.”

Carly’s eyes slid toward Shane, then back to Niall. “A slight tendency, yes,” she agreed drily.

“I had to finish a job in...well, anyway, I had to finish a job, but I flew back to DC as soon as I could. Sorry, bro,” he said softly, regretfully, looking at Shane. “It was a long flight and I barely made it back in time.”