And pigs can fly, he thought but didn’t say. Carly wasn’t that kind of woman, no matter what she said. She was dreaming, but he wasn’t going to argue with her on that, either. “Okay.” He forced himself to grin at her. A wicked, lighthearted grin that promised things he was going to have to work hard to deliver, because he didn’t want “just sex” with Carly, even if that was all she was offering...for now. “So when does the ‘just sex’ part start? I bought a box of condoms.”

* * *

Carly couldn’t sleep. Shane was already out like a light, one arm thrown possessively across her bare waist as he spooned behind her, as naked as she was beneath the covers. She usually slept in the nude at home, and apparently so did he. He radiated heat, and she loved the way his big body made her feel, all warm and cherished. So it wasn’t that keeping her awake, even though it had been a long time since she’d had a man in her bed. It wasn’t the strange bed, either. She’d slept in enough hotel rooms in her career that that never bothered her. She’d slept on army cots, too, and a few times even in a bedroll on the cold, hard ground. She’d never had trouble falling asleep before—the exact opposite, in fact. Once she was asleep she had a hard time waking up.

No, she decided, there was one reason and one reason only why she remained awake—the way Shane had so readily agreed to her insistence on emotional distance. The way he’d willingly accepted her “just sex” decree.

It didn’t make sense that it bothered her, but it did. She was the one who’d set the boundaries, after all. Shane was merely going along with them. But...

But what? she asked herself. The answer, when it came to her, was terrifying. You’re falling for him, she chastised her heart. You’re not supposed to fall for him.

Can’t help it, her heart replied. He’s just so lov—

She tried to cut the thought off, but it was impossible. Lovable. Shane was just so lovable. Her heart knew it, and now her head did, too. Which was why she didn’t want him to willingly settle for “just sex” with her.

Not that sex with Shane wasn’t mind-blowing. It was. Just thinking about some of the things he’d done last night and tonight made her shiver and tingle all over. But she wanted exclusivity. She wanted him all to herself. She didn’t want him making any other woman tingle and ache and moan and...

She shifted uncomfortably, squeezing her thighs together to suppress the sudden throbbing in her loins that thoughts of Shane ignited.

She froze when his arm tightened around her waist. “What’s wrong?” he rumbled in a way that told her he was only half-awake. “Can’t sleep?” His warm hand slid down until it was curled at the juncture of her thighs. “Maybe I can help.”

Her sudden laugh was mixed with something that sounded suspiciously like a sob to her ears. She was going to decline his offer, but before she could open her mouth one of his fingers stroked down and in...and she melted. That was her last coherent thought.

Chapter 10

Carly was not—never had been, and never would be—a morning person. She could never be an anchor on one of those morning TV programs—even if she even remotely wanted to be one, which she didn’t—because she couldn’t get up to be at work by four in the morning on a regular basis. There were exceptions to her rule, of course, if the story she was working on absolutely demanded it—such as when the combat unit she was embedded with in Afghanistan moved out before dawn.

But waking in the early-morning hours to strong hands stroking her bare skin, a night’s scruff on an unshaven chin nuzzling her cheek and firm lips nibbling on her earlobe? Not to mention a certain male body part letting her know US marines—retired or not—were always ready for action?

She wouldn’t object to that...especially since that was how Shane woke her in the wee hours of the morning. “Oorah,” he whispered in her ear when her quickened breathing gave away that she was awake...and appreciating everything he was doing, thank you very much!

Her gurgle of laughter ended on a sharply indrawn breath when his fingers brushed an area of her anatomy she hadn’t realized was so sensitive—the inside of her elbow. Or maybe it’s just him, she acknowledged against her will. Maybe every part of her body was especially sensitized when Shane touched her...the way he touched her. Which meant attempting to keep an emotional distance while sleeping with him was a fool’s errand.