A reporter helps a sexy senator evade a deadly assassin in this thrilling Man on a Mission tale

TV reporter Carly Edwards has the scoop of a century! She’s discovered that Senator Shane Jones was diagnosed with a life-altering illness, but she can’t help but be drawn to his courage. So when Shane saves Carly’s life from a killer, she resolves to keep her story—and the irresistible politician—alive…

A politician and a media personality are a recipe for romantic disaster. The last thing Shane wants is to endanger Carly. But how can he prevent her from getting close when the very air between them sizzles? As their lives are threatened, Shane realizes Carly’s the one woman he wants forever—if he can keep them both safe!

Carly turned toward the closet as she was speaking, and that was when Shane saw the back of her dress.

Or rather, what wasn’t there. And before he knew it, he’d spoken her name in a voice that couldn’t hide his desperate need.

She froze for a second, then faced him. And the invitation in her eyes was unmistakable. “I’m not really hungry,” she whispered. “Except…” She caught her breath, then let it out, the faintest tremor running through her body. “For you, Shane,” she finished on a rush. “Except for you.”

He closed his eyes, then opened them again. And suddenly Carly was in his arms, her lips locked onto his. A rushing sound filled his ears, and he realized it was his blood coursing through his veins as his heart pounded furiously. He let Carly go only long enough to fight out of his overcoat and jacket, dropping them unheeded on the floor. Then his arms closed around her again.

Be sure to check out the previous volumes in the Man on a Mission miniseries!

Man on a Mission: These heroes, working at home and overseas, will do anything for justice, honor…and love.

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Dear Reader,

When I wrote Cody Walker’s Woman, I gave my heroine, Keira Jones, four brothers—all older, all former US Marines and all playing a role (good and bad) in shaping the woman she was.

Then I wrote Alec’s Royal Assignment and Liam’s Witness Protection, the stories of two of Keira’s brothers. But even as I was writing Alec’s and Liam’s stories, in the back of my mind was Shane. The eldest. The toughest. The strongest influence on all his younger siblings.

But Shane wasn’t easy to get to know—he eluded me for the longest time. It wasn’t until a personal family crisis that Shane became real to me, and I knew what could make a nearly invincible man vulnerable. Then I just had to write his story.

After I understood Shane I realized I needed to find a tough-as-nails heroine to match him, but one with a tender, loving heart hidden beneath that tiger-shark exterior. Along came Carly Edwards, just in the nick of time. Carly wasn’t easy to get to know, either, because there’s nothing of Carly in me (I wish!). Once I accepted that, however, I suddenly knew who Carly was—a woman whose private pain once made the six-o’clock news…but never again.

Shane and Carly fought the odds and won, and in doing so won my heart. Isn’t that what we all look for in a hero and heroine? Isn’t that why we read romance?

I love hearing from my readers. Please email me at [email protected] and let me know what you think.

Amelia Autin


Shane Jones, junior senator from Colorado, lay in his hospital bed in the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, staring in disbelief at the barrage of doctors and interns assembled in his private room. He could have gone anywhere for medical testing and diagnosis—and had, with no results—but he’d chosen the Mayo Clinic Hospital when a doctor friend from his days in the Marine Corps had recommended it. No other medical professional he’d consulted had ever even heard of his symptoms, much less had been able to put a name to them. But the doctors here had.

“Epilepsy?” he repeated, stunned. He still couldn’t seem to wrap his head around the diagnosis. “But...I don’t have seizures. All I have are these little episodes where I suddenly feel chilled for no reason. That’s all. It can’t be epilepsy.”