His gaze is steady, holding more wisdom and insight than I could’ve ever imagined as he stares back at me. “Of course.”

“How? When?”

“Almost a year ago. It was an ‘anonymous tip.’” He scoffs. “Probably someone who wasn’t a fan of your boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I reply, my mind reeling.

Jos knows? How is it even possible?

It had to have been Marty who called. Meaning he either told Jos after I stopped letting him touch me in exchange for his silence or before Milo and I ended things. Probably because he was growing bored of our mechanical rendezvous and wanted to screw Milo over because he could. Regardless, I feel like I’ve been sucker-punched.

Even after everything I did to buy Marty’s silence, he still wanted to screw me over. To screwMiloover.

I pull my hands beneath the table and squeeze them into tiny fists of fury, my muscles practically vibrating with rage and frustration.


I know he’s an ass, but I held up my end of the deal. I slept with him. I let him touch me to buy his silence. And how did he repay me? By stabbing me in the back. I shouldn’t be surprised. I really shouldn’t. But now, I’m pissed. It turns out I didn’t have to let him touch me. I didn’t have to protect Milo’s secret. Jos deserves more credit than Milo gave him.

I look up at Jos, my anger waning. He’s honestly a good guy. Pushy and overbearing, yes. But good, nonetheless.

“No,” Jos returns, bringing me back to the present. “Milo’s not your boyfriend. He’s your baby daddy, roommate, and ex whom you still look at with stars in your eyes.”

Lips pursed, I mutter, “I don’t––”

“You most certainly do, sweetheart. But it’s not a bad thing. I saw it as soon as you both walked in. Now. Do we have an agreement?”

“I-I don’t even know what I’m agreeing to.” My mind is still messed up from Marty’s asshole meddling.

“You get the job. You convince Milo to submit a piece for the art show. You help him balance his home and work life. I sign over Etch 'N Ink to Milo.”

“But I don’t even know if I want the job.”

“Then, you’ll do it all for Milo,” he returns, not missing a beat. “Just a hunch, but I don’t think it’s the first time you’ve put everything on the line for him. Now, let’s get you back out there. He’s probably curious what’s taking so long.”

“I’ll tell him you’re a Chatty Cathy,” I quip, pushing myself to my feet.

He smirks back at me as he does the same. “Only with people who hold my interest, sweetheart. Come on.”



“What’d you talk about?” Milo asks while he clicks Penny’s car seat into place in the back seat as I climb into the car.

“Not much.”

His nostrils flare as he slides behind the wheel and pulls out of the parking spot. “Liar.”

“Who says I’m lying?”

“Jos isn’t one to chat. He gets straight to the point. You were in there for a solid fifteen minutes.”

“You were timing me?” I challenge, folding my arms across my chest and twisting in my seat to face him more fully. He’s cute when he’s anxious. I’ll give him that much.

With a side glance, he admits, “I was curious. Sue me.”

“Hmm,” I hum, only half-serious. I’d be dying to know what was talked about too. “He asked about our history.”