“Boundaries?” I screech. Penny stirs against him but doesn’t wake up. I drop my voice a few octaves lower and glare back at the bastard who’s holding her.
“What kind ofboundarieswere you trying to set, Milo?”
“The kind reminding us we’re through even though we have a kid together.”
“Trust me. You made it abundantly clear when we broke up.” I choke back the angry tears threatening to fall.
“Imade it abundantly clear?” He scoffs, utterly oblivious to the fact I amthisclose to breaking. “Are you shitting me right now?”
Biting my quivering lower lip, I shake my head. “It’s a moot point, anyway, okay? I won’t be having sex with anyone for the foreseeable future, so can we drop it?”
“What? Now you’re a saint?” he mocks, eyeing me up and down, making me feel naked. Vulnerable.Dirty.
I fold my arms across my chest. “No. I’m a woman with a baby, and stretch marks, and a mom bod I don’t see anyone wanting to touch anytime soon, but thanks for the reminder. Don’t worry, though. I’ll be sure not to rain on your orgasm parade.”
Keeping Penny pressed to his chest, he sits up further, his lithe body poised for battle as if I’ve personally offended him. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m done having this conversation.”
I reach for Peanut, but Milo stops me and grabs my wrist, pulling me closer to him until only a breath of air separates my mouth from his.
“Too bad,” he growls. “I’m not.”
I used to love this game. The push. The pull. The need blossoming in my lower gut. The electric current pulsing between us.
But I’m too hurt to appreciate any of it.
Besides, it’s not mine to appreciate in the first place.
He isn’t mine anymore.
I tug my wrist away from him, and by some miracle, he lets me.
As if I’ve been burned, I rub at my forearm and seethe, “I don’t care if you’re not done having this conversation. You don’t own me. You can’t control me. Now, let me take Penny so I can feed her from my saggy mom boobs, all right?”
This time, he doesn’t stop me as I peel Penny away from him and march back to my room, slamming the door behind me and collapsing onto my bed.
Why does he have to make everything so damn difficult?
Why does he have to affect me on so many levels? Striking at my pride, my self-worth, and my ego right after doing something so selfless. Hell, we even had a conversation not involving verbal daggers for a few minutes. He gave me a glimpse of the guy I fell in love with before the reminder dissipated into thin air, leaving me with no one but a stranger.
And I hate him for it.
It’s been quiet for over an hour. Blissfully quiet. Except for my grumbling stomach, anyway. Gnawing on my lower lip, I tiptoe down the stairs, rounding the corner to the kitchen. Thankfully, it’s empty, but it’s missing its pristinely bare countertops, piquing my curiosity as I inch closer to what’s left out for me.
Milo never leavesanythingout. He’s too OCD for messes. Hell, he’s too OCD for most things. He likes order in every area of his life, which is why we could’ve never worked in the first place.
I’m a mess.
It makes no sense why there’s a jar of peanut butter and a fresh loaf of Wonderbread on the white granite countertop taunting me.
No note, though. No apology. No explanation. Simply peanut butter and white bread.