My eyes scan the area for movement as each raindrop is illuminated in the blinding light. I scowl at the dark, empty windows, daring whoever is watching to make a move. Zakhar is here somewhere; I canfeelit. He’s lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
I swing open the door, and the rain pelts me as I step onto the curb. I shield myself in the shadows, and darkness closes in around me. I can’t shake the feeling that something bad is about to happen.
“Nikolai!” Eden jumps out of the SUV, ignoring Anton’s shouts to stay in the vehicle.
I barely have a chance to move, and without warning, a sharp crack shatters the restless calm.
My body reactsbefore my mind can process what’s happening. Instinctively, I lunge toward Eden, shielding her against the SUV. Glass shatters around us, showering the interior with shards as Pavel covers his face.
“Eden, stay down!” I shout, scrambling to move Eden around the SUV and away from the bullets. Despite the outburst of chaos, one thought remains clear in my mind. I will not let anything happen to her. “What are you doing here?”
Eden cries out, her eyes wide with terror as she clings to me, trembling. “Nikolai, you weren’t answering your phone. I had to find you.”
I try to open the door, but a bullet strikes the metal from behind us. Fuck! We’re surrounded.
Taking a deep breath, I shield her and assess the situation. The building will offer some cover, but moving across the open ground is risky. We need to shoot back and buy ourselves time. My hand reaches for the Glock tucked into my waistband, and my fingers wrap around the cold, familiar metal.
I shoot into the darkness behind us, and Pavel and Anton follow my lead. Eden cowers beside the car, and I realize that she’s innocent.
She wouldn’t be this terrified if she had planned this.
The gunshots cease, but when I reach for the door, a bullet strikes the metal again and stops me. Whoever is out there doesn’t want me to leave with Eden.
“Eden, listen to me,” I say firmly, locking eyes with her. “I need you to trust me. On my signal, we’re going to make a break for the building and find shelter until backup arrives. Stay low, and don’t stop until you’re inside.”
Fear flickers in her eyes, but Eden nods, steeling herself for what’s to come.
“Ready?” I ask, and she clenches her jaw, nodding again. It’s now or never. “Go!”
We sprint toward the building as I unleash a torrent of bullets at the unseen assailants. The deafening roar of gunfire fills the air. “Keep moving!” I shout, pushing her forward, our legs pumping furiously as we race toward the metal door.
“Inside, now!” I command, shoving Eden through the door and following closely behind. As we stumble into the darkness, gasping for breath, I know one thing for certain—I can trust her.
The door slams shut behind us, plunging us into near darkness. Odd beams of light intersect the shadowy floor. My ears ring from the gunfire, and my heart hammers in my chest. Eden leans against a stack of boxes and breathes in ragged gasps. My gaze passes over her body, quickly checking for blood.
“Are you hurt?” I ask, my voice urgent as I reach for her and pull her close.
She shakes her head, tears streaming down her face. “Nikolai … I have to tell you something.”
“Shh,” I cut her off, straining to listen for sounds in the dark corners. I can hear the blood pounding in my ears, but nothing else. We’re safe, but not for long.
“Is your father here, Eden?” I grip her arms too tightly, my fingers digging into her skin. “Tell me.”
“I don’t know,” she whispers. “But he must be, or I’d be dead. I have to tell you something.” She takes a deep breath, willing the tears to stop. “It has nothing to do with my father.”
“Not now,” I whisper, pulling her body against mine. My fingers clutch her thick hair. “I’m sorry for not believing you. I’m so sorry. I won’t let anything happen to you, Eden.”
“Nikolai,” she whispers.
But we don’t have time for any more confessions. Gunfire resumes outside the window. I pull Eden through the dark building, her legs moving fast to keep up with mine. We run through the warehouse, and every sound is amplified in the dark. I search for an exit, knowing it’s too dangerous to stay here.
“There!” Eden whispers, pointing to a door.
I stop too quickly, and she crashes into my arms, and though it’s foolish to stop, I hold onto her for a second. We may not have another chance. “It’s going to be okay.” The words feel hollow, even to me. “I promise.”