And in that moment, I know I can trust her.

“Please remember,koshka.” Dominika glances at the open door and then shuts it quietly. “As much as she likes you … Nikolai isherbrother, and Rurik ishisloyal brigadier. Say only what is necessary, and nothing more.”

I nod, but I know I can trust Larissa.

I know that Larissa will help me.

I stayin my room and eat breakfast after I change. Nikolai stopped questioning what I do alone in my room some time ago. He thinks I’m scared or stubborn. I am scared, but not for thereason he thinks. He thinks I’m afraid of him for no good reason except that he exists.

He has no idea.

There’s a soft knock on my door, and I know it’s Larissa. She enters immediately, carrying a large bag. “I brought some things I thought might cheer you up,” she says, smiling warmly.

“Thank you,” I reply, smiling back. I’m grateful for her kindness, but I doubt I need anything from Ulta.

Larissa sets the bag down and sits beside me on the bed. Her presence is instantly comforting. “Dominika said you wanted to talk?” she asks.

“I do.” I wring my hands.

This is it. My last chance to keep the secret a secret. How does that old saying go? Tell one person, it’s still a secret. But tell two, and you tell the world.

She looks at me expectantly and I decide that there’s no easy way, so I leap right into it.

“I think I might be pregnant.” The half-truth leaves me feeling both relieved and terrified. “And I don’t know what to do.”

Her eyes widen with surprise, but her expression quickly changes to concern. “Are you sure?”

“I took a test …” I whisper, holding up the positive test for her to see.

Larissa stares at it. For a moment, she looks shaken and confused, as if she doesn’t know how to react. Then she wraps her arms around me in a powerful hug. “Oh, Eden,” shemurmurs, her voice thick with emotion. “Have you told Kolya?” she asks gently.

“No.” I shake my head, not daring to look at her. “And I don’t want to.”

She pulls back and grasps my hands. “Then don’t. He may not react the way he ought to.”

“But I can’t keep it a secret from him,” My voice cracks. “He’ll find out eventually. And if he knows that I kept this from him …”

Larissa sighs and gives my hands a slight squeeze. “It’s okay,” she says softly. “You still have time.”

“Time for what?” My voice reveals my anxiety. “I haven’t decided yet if I want to keep it.”

Larissa lets go of my hands. Her dark eyes are stern, her expression serious as she stares at me, and suddenly, she grips my shoulders.Hard. “You must.”

I blink in surprise at her sharp tone and the pressure of her fingers digging into my flesh.

“Why?” I gasp.

Larissa’s grip loosens, and a quiver in her voice betrays her own desperation. “It’s for your own safety.”


“My brother is not our father.” She puts a finger to my lips. “He will not hurt his own child.”

She opens her mouth as if she wants to say something else. But she doesn’t. And that’s all the confirmation I need of my own suspicions.

I nod. “Okay,” I agree quietly.

She smiles, and her features relax.