Nikolai purses his lips but does not say anything back. I like her, I decide. She seems to be the only one here who doesn’t care what other people say about her.

“Andrei Vasilyevich and Paige Geraldovna send their warmest regards,” Natasha says, and there’s a genuine tone in her voice. “You remind me of her in many ways. One day, you will meet her, and I’m sure you will have many things to talk about.” She leans in, whispering, “Now tell me which ones have been mean to you, and I’ll go break their husbands’ legs.”

“Remember, Eden,” Sonia chimes in, “their jealous comments are a reflection of who they are. Not who you are.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“And now the final touch.” Natasha places a kiss on each of my cheeks. “Let’s see thosesukitalk shit now.”



After meeting Natasha,I’m no longer gawked at by the other women, and I like it. Unfortunately, the room’s nonstop chatter and the smell of fish are getting to me, so I walk over to the French doors leading into the massive yard. I gaze at the tantalizing woods in the yard, imagining the freedom they promise, but not daring to wander into them.

Where would I go?

A rock and a hard place are my only choices. So, I walk a fair distance over to a garden bench and sit down, ignoring the men with sunglasses and earpieces watching me.

The grounds here are huge, and there are hints of roots and brambles all around, tracing a pattern that reminds me oddly of a maze.

A man whispers something I cannot hear as I approach. I roll my eyes as I pass him and make sure he sees it. These people ignore me when I’m around, but the minute I leave, I’m watched. I pull my dress tightly around my legs and stare at the house, wondering where Nikolai is.

“Dance?” A deep voice interrupts my thoughts, and I look at the man standing beside me. Where did he come from? He’s tall, well-dressed in a dark charcoal suit, and his face … There’s something familiar about him, but I can’t place it.

“No, thank you.” I stay seated and look away.

“Do you mind if I join you?” he asks.

I look at him again, but it’s not clicking. I’ve seen him, but where? “Yes, I do mind.”

He laughs, but the laugh dies in his eyes. “Rough day?”

I sigh loudly. “I’m just waiting for the party to end so I can go home.”

“But this isn’t home, Eden.” His smile fades. “You don’t have to stay with these people.”

And that’s when it clicks. He’s the same man from the museum.

“You’re with the Lanzzare,” I whisper. I try to hurry away, but he blocks my path. I look around. Where are all those annoying guards now?

“You don’t belong here,” the man says.

“I’m not going with you!”

I kick him in the shin with the toe of my shoe and start running toward the house. He follows close behind. I can hear his heavy breath as we cross the lawn at top speed. One of my shoes falls off, but I leave it. The pointy heel sticks deep in the grass. I kick the other shoe off and pull the hem of my dress to my waist, hauling ass toward the house. His hand grazes my arm, but by that time, everyone is looking.

Nikolai appears from nowhere. “Let her go,” he snarls, his eyes locked on the man.

“Make me, Starukhin,” the man sneers, pulling out a switchblade and flicking it open. The metallic click echoes through the room.

I watch in amazement that this man brought a knife to a gunfight. And then I remember that the guns were all taken by security. This man could actually hurt me. I stare at him, and I’m frozen to the floor.

“Say hi to your brother for me,” the man taunts Nikolai and then lunges forward.

But Nikolai’s already a step ahead, sidestepping the knife and landing a crunching punch to the man’s jaw.

As the man staggers back, Larissa wastes no time in grabbing my arm. She drags me out of the way of the fight and then onto my feet. She leads me away, positioning herself between me and the fight.