“Not all of them.” I watch her closely. “To keep you safe, I need to know everything. Even the things that you think I shouldn’t know.”

“Maybe you can’t protect us, Nikolai,” she says softly, “Because if my father reallyisa traitor, then it’s not only him who’ll pay for the alleged crimes.”

She’s right. I reach over and gently brush a stray strand of hair away from her face. She looks so vulnerable and innocent that it’s hard for me not to trust her wholeheartedly.

“If you’ve been lying to me …” I start as the space closes between us.

“I have no doubt you would hurt me,” she finishes for me as her eyes lock against mine. “But if what you say is true, then you also need me.”

She has no idea how right she is in this very moment. Her body is pressed against mine, and I can feel her heartbeat thundering between us.

Don’t do it …My mind warns me, but I ignore the warning. Eden is a temptation that I can no longer pull myself away from.

Her eyes widen as I lower my head, but her lips part in anticipation of what comes next.

She freezes when my lips press hard against hers. Her hands lower and rest on my shoulders, but she doesn’t push me away. I taste the sweetness I wanted on her lips. And, breathing heavily as we part, I pull back to stare into those wide hazel eyes.

“Don’t ever betray me,” I whisper. “Promise me that.”

“No, Nikolai.” Her gaze is steady as she shakes her head. “I can’t betray you, because you won’t let me.”




The sheer curtainsstretch across my bedroom window, concealing Manhattan below. I don’t care what’s going on outside. My attention is on the painting Nikolai has hung on the wall across from my bed.

It’s the same Kuzma Fedorov from the gallery.

I smirk, noticing it’s turned right-side up. In this orientation, I can see that there’s more than just a face. The splotches of purple and blue that had been unrecognizable against the green background now transform into a field of wildflowers. And the face, previously upside down, now smiles at the view.

I lean in close and close my eyes, imagining I can smell the flowers, even though they’re strokes of paint.

There’s something strangely appropriate. It’s like a part of me is trapped within the canvas, forever pictured sitting by a window while staring wistfully outside ever since my world was turned upside down.

Yesterday, I watched Nikolai talk to the wedding planner from the corner of my eye. He didn’t say it, but he wanted to be alone with her. The thought that he wanted to be alone with another woman while planningmywedding sent a flurry of jealous anger through me. My heart leaped to my throat when I saw him reach out to touch her shoulder. For a dizzying moment, I thought he was going to kiss her.

And when she greeted me, I could feel a coldness there. It’s almost like she didn’t think I belonged with him.

“Come in,” I answer the knock on my door, though it’s open.

Nikolai stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed, watching me with a small smile playing on his lips. “Do you like it?”

I can’t hide my delight. “It’s fantastic.” I scramble to the end of the bed, messing up the silky comforter. “It’s the first time I noticed that this room had no paintings.”

“I have one more surprise for you.” Nikolai pushes himself off the doorframe and walks toward me. “A visit to the Met.”

“The Met?” I leap up and clasp my hands. I stop bouncing on my feet, wondering if it looks like I’m doing jumping jacks. “I would love to go,” I reply awkwardly. “Thank you.”

A thrill races through me at the thought of visiting the museum for the first time. Growing up in Holtsville, I always dreamed of exploring all the museums in New York. Getting lost in the quiet halls and discovering forgotten masterpieces.

Finally, I’ll have a chance to experience firsthand the paintings and sculptures I’ve only seen in books.

“Good,” Nikolai says, his smile widening. “Anton will drop us off in a bit. We’ll make a day of it.”

I like it when Nikolai smiles. When he smiles, I can pretend that the worst will never happen and that Nikolai will always be like this. Thoughtful and sweet to me.