As I study her face, I notice something that looks familiar about her. It takes me a few moments before I realize what it is.

Her eyes …

Piercing green, like a pair of perfectly cut emeralds.

Those are Nikolai’s eyes.

But unlike him, there’s no cruelty behind hers. Instead, there is only boundless warmth and love.

Suddenly, coldness grips me as I stare into this unknown woman. In that moment, I know for certain that I just stumbled upon something I wasn’t supposed to find, in a room I was never supposed to be in.

I start backing away from the painting, but her piercing green eyes seem to follow me no matter what I do. I cannot tear myself away from them as I continue backing up.

Suddenly, my back hits something that wasn’t there before.

Something large.

Something warm.

I spin around and those same green eyes drill into mine. But unlike the pair in the painting, there is neither boundless warmth nor endless love. Instead, all I see is a well of hatred and anger as Nikolai’s mouth twists into a vicious snarl.

My shoes drop from my hand, clattering on the ground as I stammer. “Nikolai … I … I didn’t mean?—”

“Out,” he breathes, anger rolling off his body in searing waves that threaten to burn me alive. “Now!”

Without a second word, I rush past him, bare feet pitter-pattering down the long concrete corridor toward the light of the penthouse. Dusty mist floats in the air with every step as I rush away from him. But I know there is no escaping.

I just saw a glimpse of his deepest secret. I just committed a grave sin against him.

He will find me later.

And he will punish me for it.

I rush back to my room past a wide-eyed Dominika and slam the door shut.

I do my best to hide in the corner of the room, hugging my knees to my chest, and fearfully wonder what is about to happen next.




It isn’tuntil morning that I hear someone knocking gently at my door. At first, I don’t answer. But whoever is knocking is persistent and doesn’t leave. It can’t be Nikolai, I reason, because he has a key to the room. And I get the feeling that if I don’t answer, things will only go from bad to worse for me.

So, I make my way over to the door and, with a trembling hand, pull it open to reveal a concerned-looking Dominika on the other side.

“Is everything all right,koshka?” she asks when I open the door.

I shake my head without looking directly at Dominika and watch her from the corner of my eye.

She pauses, staring at me intently as if to gauge my response, but I refuse to acknowledge her.Just go away,I think. If she goes away, then I don’t have to deal with whatever the hell else Nikolai plans on doing to me.

But she doesn’t. Instead, she shuts the door gently behind her and walks over to me. I steal another look, and there is concernin her eyes. She gestures at the bed and I sit down on it, hands folded in my lap.

“What happened,koshka?” Her voice is soft and gentle, and I don’t know how to respond at first.

She reaches up, takes my hand in hers, and gives me a small tug—not enough to make me move, but enough to make me know what she wants me to do. Feeling the facade of my own resistance crumbling, I sit down next to her as she wraps a knowing arm around my shoulders.