I walk down the steps cautiously toward them, wondering if Larissa is kind or if she’s just another tormentor in an ever-growing list.

“Nice to meet you, Eden,” Larissa says warmly, extending her hand. Her grip is firm, but her eyes are kind. And though I want to keep my guard up, I feel that I can be at ease around her.

“Nice to meet you too.” I smile, trying to conceal my nervousness.

“What have you been doing to the poor girl? She looks tired and frightened!” She glares at Nikolai upon seeing me up close before turning back to me again, voice pealing like bells. “Your ring, please.”

Obedient, I extend her my finger. She coos and awes over my hand and then smothers me in a full-body hug. I didn’t realize how much I craved the closeness as I hang on for a second too long. The contact reminds me of how much I miss Mercy.

And how much I miss Dad.

“Breakfast.” Her firm hands remain on my shoulders. “Kolya has a Paris-trained chef, as I’m sure you know. I will not deny that man the opportunity to demonstrate his skills whenever I’m here.”

“Where’s Rurik?” Nikolai asks her abruptly.

“You tell me.” She scowls at him playfully. “You’re the one working him to the bone.”

Rurik? That other man who hangs around Nikolai like his shadow? Quickly, I steal a glance at Larissa’s finger and notice a large ring. My breath catches.Is she …

Nikolai frowns. “I’ll go see where he is.”

“Don’t forget, Kolya. I’ll be at the gallery at six to help.”

“Gallery?” My gaze bounces between them. “You mean Chrysanthea?”

“Not Chrysanthea. Kolya is opening a new one tomorrow night.” Larissa looks pointedly at her brother. “Have you told her nothing about yourself? Where are your manners?”

His face is blank. “I’ll see you tonight, Lara.” Nikolai stalks over to the elevator and, using his key, disappears into the outside world that I’m banned from.


As the morning progresses, Larissa and I chat over nothing and everything. There are moments I forget I’m being forced to stay here and marry her brother. If Larissa knows my situation, she certainly doesn’t show it. Instead, she shares stories of her time traveling through Europe, and I can’t help but envy her experiences.

“Your father never allows you to travel?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

“No,” I admit, looking away. “He’s been very protective of me since my mother died.”

“I’m so sorry.” She places a hand on my knee. “When did your mother pass?”

“After I was born.”

“I understand what that’s like.” Larissa covers her expression quickly and gently takes her hand away to dab at the corner of her eyes. “Our father wasn’t exactly the easiest man to live with either, especially after our mother died.”

“Did you ever feel trapped?” I ask, probing for information and simultaneously hinting a little at what’s going on with myself. “Or suffocated?”

“Always.” She gazes out the window at nothing in particular. “But over time, I learned to assert myself in small ways.” She turns back, and the picture-perfect smile returns, though a shard of sadness remains in her eyes. “Our world is dominated by men, I’m afraid. But never underestimate the power we hold. They are subtle, but they are real. Now, I am living the life I always wanted with a man I love.” Her hand returns and gives mine a light squeeze. “And soon, you will too.”

If only she knew …I think. But I am careful to avoid saying too much. So, I return the soft squeeze of her hand and muster a smile of my own.

“Do you have children?” I ask.

The shard of sadness grows in her eyes, and her smile fades slightly. But she regains her composure quickly enough.

“No.” Her tone speaks of a finality to the questioning, and I know better than to press. So, I quickly back away from the subject.

“Do you live near here?” I hesitate for a moment. “Lara?”

I’m unsure if I am allowed to call her by this name, remembering how Nikolai expressed his displeasure at Alexander when he dared call himKolya.But to my surprise, she smiles warmly at the familiarity.