He doesn’t move, doesn’t take his glare off me. Pain gripped my chest. This conversation isn’t going to go well, is it?
“We need to talk.” There was an edge to his voice.
“Sure. Did you want to go to the parking lot?”
“No, we’ll do it here. This isn’t working out for me anymore, Charlie.”
Chills iced down my spine. This can’t be happening. Things were going great. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t act dumb. This.” He points between us. “We’re over. I don’t want you anymore. It was fun while it lasted.”
My breathing becomes shaky. No, no, this isn’t right. My legs become wobbly. I have to reach out for something solid to lean on. My vision become watery, but I refuse to cry in front of him. I stood straight, drill my gaze into his.
“You know what Lucca; I feel sorry for you. You’ll never know what love really is, you’ll never know what kindness is, and you’ll never know what the true meaning of family is. Especially when you treat people the way you do. I hope you have the life you deserve.” I said in a low, fierce voice.
I glide past him on my way to class. You thought I was weak, jokes on you, bud. This is one girl that no one can walk over.
Lucca Russo can kiss my ass. I hope I never have to see him again. I can’t believe I thought I saw a future with him. Remind me again to always stick to my guns and listen to my first thoughts.
I avoided him until graduation. Scar keeps me busy and luckily with exams I’m too occupied to be drowning in the Lucca sorrows. At night I would find myself thinking about him, how things went wrong. Was I too clingy? Did I do something wrong or was I not what he needed? I always wondered what I did wrong.
The moment I walked across the stage I locked eyes with him. He still took my breath away. He sat there talking with Rett. He must have felt me staring at him because he suddenly slammed those dark eyes my way. They burned into mine. I wasn’t expecting him to still be pissed at me. His nostrils flared, and he narrowed his eyes. I tore my gaze away before tears filled my eyes. I quickly shook my principles hand and exited the stage. I didn’t bother finding my seat. I ran out of there texting my dad to meet me outside.
“Hey pumpkin, what’s wrong?” Dad asks when he finally finds me sitting on a bench.
He sits down next to me, pulling me into a hug. “Nothing, just a little emotional about leaving that’s all.” I still haven’t told him about Lucca. I always tell him it’s about leaving for college and nothing more.
“Don’t worry, I’ll visit every chance I get and besides Scar will be moving up too. So, you’ll never be alone.”
“I know. It’s just that you’re my only family and I feel bad about leaving. I should’ve gone to a college here instead. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“You were thinking about having some life experience without your dad knocking on your door everyday like a madman. You're young, enjoy it kiddo. Trust me, before you know it, you’ll be in your twenties, then thirties, and life has passed you by. This is when you do all the stupid shit and never regret anything. Live a little and do stupid shit. I’ll always love you no matter what you do. Remember, I have bail money set aside if you ever need it.”
I can’t help but laugh. Like I would ever do something stupid. I understand where he is coming from. This is the time to get everything out of my system.
“You’re right. I’ll do some stupid shit while I’m gone that you’ll be proud of.” I smile at him and hug him.
“Wanna get out of here and grab some supper? Before you know it, you’ll be gone and we both will be eating garbage food.”
I couldn’t wait to head to college knowing Dad is going to be okay. Fresh start. No more worries and no more boy problems for me. Looking forward to the future.
Present Day
26 years old
I’m sitting in my office staring at these two assholes. They fucked up for the very last time. How hard is it to complete a task? It’s not. I tell you how high and you fucking jump. That’s how it goes. I’m getting tired of Paul and Jimmy. They’ve fucked up more than I can count, and this is the last straw. I nod towards Nico and Antonio. They grab both men and kick their knees out.
“Please, I swear I won’t fuck up again,” Paul begs.
“Seriously Paul. I’ve given you over what seems like a thousand chances, and I’m tired of cleaning up your mess. Every time you are out something goes missing or one of our men gets shot. Remind me again why I should let you live?” I pull my gun out of my hip holster.
Jimmy is going pale next to Paul; I aim my gun at him, and he trembles. “I swear I’ve never done anything,” he pleads.
I cock my gun and shoot Paul in the head. His body falls to the floor. I turn back to Jimmy.
“There are no weak men in the Cosa Nostra, Jimmy. We don’t beg for our lives.” I spit at him. I take aim again and pull the trigger. His body lays next to Paul’s.
“Get these two assholes out of my club.” I turn back towards my desk.